Stepbrother Aflame
watch while I wait for her. 
    “Hey,” she says, shyly. 
    “Hey back,” I reply. “Now sit your ass down.”
    I take her in as she comes closer. She’s in her pajamas, a tight black tank top and shorts covered in polka dots. I know if she turns around I’ll definitely be getting a show of the bottom of her ass cheeks. My dick is aching to see this girl naked and fuck her. I check her out, focusing on her toned legs, and lick my lips in hunger.
     “Did you lose your t-shirt or something?” She asks, her eyes blazing down on my bare chest. I want her to drink me up, get turned on, and let me have a piece of her. If I have to walk around with my chest out every goddamn day, I’ll do it until she gives it up.  
    “I figured I’d give you something good to look at since you don’t get it with your boyfriend.” She rolls her eyes. “Oh yeah, and thanks for letting me use your car.”
    She gives me an innocent smile and sits down. “No problem. Did you have fun tonight?”
    “It was alright.” I’m sure as fuck not going to be sharing how I had my hand deep in a girl’s pussy.
    Her nose scrunches up. “I can smell alcohol on your breath. You drove my car while drunk?”
    “I’m definitely not drunk, babe . I had two beers.”
    “So you drank and drove?”
    “Two beers is nothing.”
    “But I trusted you.” She’s not angry. She looks more disappointed than anything.
    “I’m sorry.” I feel bad for letting her down. “But really, two beers is nothing. It doesn’t affect me one bit.”
    “Everyone says that until they kill a family or something.”
    “Does two beers get you wasted?”
    She sticks out her tongue in disgust. I want to lean forward and taste it. “I wouldn’t know. Beer is pretty much the nastiest thing on this Earth.”
    “So you don’t drink?”
    “I’ve had wine and … stuff.”
    “Stuff?” I ask, curiously. I’m ready to see more of the bad girl come out.
    Her eyes don’t meet mine. “Champagne, vodka, tequila,” she rambles off.
    “And you keep getting more and more fun.” I tap her on the forehead and jump up from the couch.
    “Where are you going?” She asks.
    “Be right back.”
    I rush into my bedroom to grab the bottle from my bedside drawer and head back into the living room.
    She holds her hands up when she sees the bottle and shakes her head.  “Oh no, that’s not happening.”
    I hold up the full bottle of tequila. “Oh, it’s happening, sunshine. You,” I point the bottle towards her. “And me,” I point towards myself, “are about to have some fucking fun.”
    “There’s no way I’m drinking with you right now. Our parents can wake up at any time,” she hisses.
    “That’s the fun part, the whole I could get busted gives you an even bigger buzz. Plus, I don’t think they ever even come down here.”
    She fakes a yawn and stretches her arms out above her. “I’m actually feeling pretty tired.”
    I grab her arm when she gets up to leave. “Nu uh, princess.”
    She plops back down. “Fine, but I’m not drinking.”
    I screw off the cap and take a long drawl from the bottle. It stings as it goes down, but it tastes like heaven.  I try to hand the bottle to her but she shakes her head. “Fine, more for me then. But I thought you’d want to shed your doormat image …”
    “I’m not a doormat,” she snaps.
    “You are so a doormat.”
    She stares at me in contemplation. I know I’m basically the definition of peer pressure right now, but I want to see her let loose. I want to see her throw out all of her inhibitions, show me the real her.
    Liquid splashes against my arm when she snatches the bottle from my hand. She wraps her plump lips around the rim and takes a drink. I watch her face as she swallows it down, and it shows full distaste. She pulls the bottle away, inhales a deep breath and then gulps down another drawl.  
    “Damn girl,” I say, slowly pulling the bottle away from her.
    “What? You said to show you I’m

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