Stalking Ground
think I’d be used to you getting up before the sun by now.”
    “ Si . Come over for breakfast.”
    “I don’t have much time.”
    “It’s ready for you.”
    “I’ll be there in about twenty minutes.”
    Putting her cell phone back into her pocket, Mattie sprinted for home, Robo matching her stride. After feeding him, she hurried to shower and dressed in record time. Thenshe loaded Robo into the SUV and drove the few blocks to Mama’s house, the foster home where she’d spent her last few years in the system.
    She told Robo to wait in the car and headed across the yard, passing Mama’s collection of plaster of paris yard ornaments: small chipmunks, squirrels, and rabbits frozen in midscurry. Skirting around the side of the white stucco house, she entered through the kitchen door, stepping into a different world filled with lovely aromas. Mama T never sent anyone away hungry, and she cooked up love in every bite. Mattie’s mouth watered.
    “What have you fixed for me today?” she said as she entered the kitchen.
    Mama T put down her long-handled spoon and turned from the wood-burning stove for a hug. Mattie placed her cheek against the woman’s silvery streaked black hair, which was pulled into a bun at the nape of her neck. She held onto the small comfort for a moment until Mama let her go. Stepping back, they grinned at each other, Mama T’s smile showing a gap or two where teeth were missing.
    “This morning we have huevos rancheros with green chili and tortilla.”
    “Mmm . . .” One of Mama’s old standbys. Grabbing up a hot pad, Mattie went to the stove to lift the black porcelain coffee pot with the white speckles. “Can I pour you a cup of coffee?” she asked.
    “ Si, gracias . Then sit.” Mama placed two plates heaped with food on the table.
    As was their habit, Mama uttered a brief prayer of gratitude and then they ate in silence. Mama always insisted that her guests savor each bite and not waste time with chitchat. After they finished, she spoke. “Your brother called.”
    Mattie had been waiting for him to call for months. He’d called Mama T last August, asking her to see if Mattie wanted to reconnect, and then nothing. Of course he had to call now, just when she needed to focus on work and finding Adrienne. “What did he have to say?”
    “That he is glad you will talk to him. He took your cell phone number and your home number both. He said he will call you soon.”
    “Okay. How did he sound?”
    A frown line formed between Mama’s brows. Apparently she considered the question important enough to give it her full concentration. “He sounded tired. And maybe at first, afraid you would not want him to call you. Then he sounded relieved. Happy. But still tired.”
    Her foster mother could gather a great deal from even a short phone call. During high school, Mattie learned she could hide nothing from her Mama T.
    “He said to tell you thank you, and he looks forward to talking to you.”
    Mattie couldn’t help giving her head a slight shake. Her brother Willie was a mystery to her. She’d hoped, for all the years since they’d been separated after Willie was sent away, that he would find her someday. And now that he had, he’d delayed their reunion for months. It didn’t make sense. She preferred tackling this kind of situation head on, not waiting around for the moment to fester.
    “Did he leave you a phone number?”
    “No. It’s strange. I asked for it, but he said no, he would call you.”
    “Well, I guess I’ll just wait to hear from him then. Thank you, Mama, for being the middleman on this. It seems kind of crazy the way he’s handling it.”
    The lady smiled. “Middlewoman,” she said, her eyes twinkling. Then she sobered. “It does seem strange. Like he’s hiding something. I hope it will be all right.”
    Mattie touched her warm hand and then stood to carry her dishes to the sink. “Don’t worry. This is good. You said so yourself.”
    “I did, mijita .

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