
Read Stalked for Free Online

Book: Read Stalked for Free Online
Authors: Allison Brennan
    â€œOz is playing video games in the lounge,” Jason Aragon said. Jason was a prosecutor from Los Angeles and the oldest of their group at thirty-five. He was also a reservist in the Coast Guard, which Lucy thought was fascinating, though he didn’t talk much about himself. There were some whispers that he’d been in a gang in his youth, and he had a faded tat he didn’t talk about, either.
    â€œAnd Sanchez is talking to her daughter,” Carter said. He glanced at his watch. “Speaking of which, I need to call home in fifteen minutes, Shelley likes me to call before dinner to talk to the girls.” Carter was from Denver, married with two daughters. He talked to them every night.
    As Carter bussed his tray, Eddie said, “Hey, I’ll meet you in the computer lab at twenty-one hundred.”
    Carter gave him a thumbs-up and left.
    â€œReady for the gun range tomorrow?” Margo asked. They were having a qualification pre-test. It wasn’t counted toward their firearms score but was their first assessment since day two. Their instructor expected everyone to have improved their scores between the day two test and now.
    â€œFirearms, no problem,” Lucy said between bites. “I’m not looking forward to the driving test Monday.”
    â€œDriving?” Reva laughed. “One of the easiest tests, from what I heard.”
    â€œI don’t like driving,” Lucy confessed. She felt sheepish and wished she hadn’t said anything.
    â€œYou’re not tested on the course,” Eddie said. “Even if you screw up, as long as you have a driver’s license and can steer a vehicle that’s all that’s required. Monday is simply defensive driving.”
    Margo said, “Don’t psych yourself out, you’ll be fine.”
    â€œI think it’s about time to hit the books,” Eddie said. He left with Jason. That left Lucy with Margo and Reva.
    Lucy found herself relaxing with her group. There were seven of them who had loosely banded together, and while others in her class of thirty-four sometimes ate with them or hung out after hours, the core seven gave Lucy a much-needed sense of friendship and belonging. It had been something she’d missed out on in college because of the rape.
    â€œYou don’t have to wait for me to finish; I was late,” Lucy said.
    â€œI don’t mind,” Margo said. She eyed Lucy carefully. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
    â€œYes,” Lucy said. And she was. After talking to Tony, she had put Laughlin in one compartment, Weber’s murder in another, and her past safely locked away, for now. She looked forward to reading Tony’s notes on the Rachel McMahon homicide, and maybe she could track down Rachel’s brother and give Tony peace of mind. Lucy had no doubt that going through Rosemary Weber’s files would be difficult, and she hoped to have good news for him when he returned in two days.
    â€œWhat’s in the folder?” Reva asked, and started to open it.
    Lucy put her hand on the cover. “Reva, I can’t share. It’s a case file—an old case—that Agent Presidio gave to me. I promised to keep it confidential.” She hadn’t, he hadn’t even asked, but she didn’t want to have to explain why she was looking at it.
    â€œAnything to do with Kean pulling you out today?”
    â€œKnock it off, Reva,” Margo said.
    Lucy sighed and gave them a bit of information, mostly to keep Reva from getting even more nosy. “It involves a case I was involved with a few months ago in New York. An agent I worked with needed some information, said it couldn’t wait.”
    Margo diverted the conversation back to the firearms test tomorrow, and Lucy quickly finished eating. The three of them cleared their trays, and both Lucy and Margo grabbed an apple and granola bar for the morning. They’d gotten in the habit of running

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