Spirited Legacy (Lost Library)

Read Spirited Legacy (Lost Library) for Free Online

Book: Read Spirited Legacy (Lost Library) for Free Online
Authors: Kate Baray
Tags: Romance, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Magic, Witches, Ghosts, Werewolves, spirits, wolves, spells
the loveseat at the end of the bed—thankfully cleared of miscellaneous clothes the day before—Kenna eyeballed her.
    Lizzie took a sip of her coffee, and laughed. “I must look worse than I thought. You’ve doctored up my coffee like you do when something really bad happens. I’ll be on a sugar high for hours.”
    “Hmm. Did you cry yourself to sleep last night?” Kenna asked, looking at her thoughtfully.
    “Humph. No, just allergies. Though I might have briefly considered crying.” Lizzie put her coffee on the dresser and busied herself yanking a suitcase out of her walk-in closet.
    “But now you’re okay?” Kenna asked.
    “Now I’m okay,” she confirmed. Dang it. Her suitcase was wedged between a box of scarves and an old photo album. She tugged a little harder. Her bag almost fell on top of her as she gave it a particularly good solid yank. Moving the bag to her bed, she unzipped it and started tossing clothes inside. “He’s coming with me. I think.”
    Lizzie could see Kenna still on the loveseat. Lizzie kept throwing clothes in her bag or shoving them back in her closet, debating how much to tell Kenna.
    “You think. Last time I talked to you, you couldn’t say with any confidence that you were still dating. And now he’s going to Prague with you. You guys move fast.” Her snort of amusement didn’t fool Lizzie. Kenna was definitely worried about her and John. “Not that I’m saying that’s a bad thing. I’m just having a hard time keeping up,” Kenna clarified. “All right. You need to spill. John was gone yesterday—to see the pack? What’s up with that? And he’s back now. So you guys are good? But I’m thinking not, because there was some awkward going on in the kitchen. And how exactly does John feel about this whole Prague thing? And how do you feel about him coming with you? Shit. Can he hear everything we’re saying?”
    Once Kenna took a breath, Lizzie laughed. “Exactly how much coffee did you drink while you were waiting for me?”
    “Only two cups, so don’t get all snarky on me. Besides, you can’t talk to anyone else about this stuff. I’m all you’ve got.” Kenna scooted her butt back on the loveseat, making more room for her legs, and then she crossed her ankles.
    “I doubt he can hear us this far away—and it’s not like he’d be trying.” At Kenna’s skeptical look, Lizzie replied, “Not everyone is as nosy as you.”
    “I’m glad you buy that explanation,” Kenna said, still with a skeptical arch to her brow.
    Lizzie shook her head and rolled her eyes. “What else did you ask me?”
    “The Pack,” Kenna reminded her.
    “Right. I don’t know. He went yesterday and came back late last night. I’m not sure how much of the Pack activities I can talk about—but that’s actually all I know. But I can tell you that John and I are in extended negotiations over my current perceived position within the Pack.” Lizzie frowned. She hadn’t actually thought about it like that until now.
    Kenna sat up straighter. “So is this why your eyes are all puffy and you look like you’re hung over?”
    “Gah. Seriously? You’re going to damage what little self-esteem I have, you evil wench. You know I have allergies.” Since Kenna had poked and prodded her to date more and was always telling her how gorgeous she was, Lizzie couldn’t help but grin at her evaluation today.
    “So—no crying?”
    Lizzie smiled. “No, I did not cry myself to sleep.”
    “Okay. Tell me about these negotiations. Who knew you had a position within the Pack.” Kenna seemed intrigued by the concept.
    “Right? I’m still in the dark about how Lycan packs work.” Lizzie raised an eyebrow at her friend. “If you hadn’t shown up when you did, I planned to ask.”
    Kenna laughed and rolled off the loveseat. “Got it; I’m outta here. I love you, too. I’m still driving you to the airport tonight?”
    Lizzie hugged her tight. “Yes, please. I’d really like to see you again

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