Sons of Sparta: A Chief Inspector Andreas Kaldis Mystery

Read Sons of Sparta: A Chief Inspector Andreas Kaldis Mystery for Free Online

Book: Read Sons of Sparta: A Chief Inspector Andreas Kaldis Mystery for Free Online
Authors: Jeffrey Siger
Tags: Mystery
“I’m sorry to hear that. When’s the funeral?”
    “Tomorrow. But that’s not the reason I need the time.”
    “Are we talking about the uncle who, shall we say, walked a different path than you?”
    Kouros nodded. “He hasn’t been involved in that for years.”
    “Didn’t his son take over for him?”
    “That’s who called me.”
    Andreas leaned across the desk. “Yianni, we’ve been together a long time—”
    “Since I was a rookie on Mykonos, I know. But it’s not what you think.”
    “How do you know what I’m thinking?”
    “You’re about to warn me to be careful about someone in that part of my family trying to draw me into their business.”
    Andreas leaned back. “Okay, consider yourself warned.”
    “I think my uncle was murdered. And if my cousins start thinking the same way, all hell will break loose down there.”
    “What makes you think murder?”
    Kouros told him about the death threats his uncle had received. “He died on his way home from the same taverna where he received the first threat.”
    Andreas rubbed his forehead. “Why does crap always come in piles? Wait until you hear what Spiros just dropped on me.”
    Kouros listened, and when Andreas finished he shook his head. “How does he expect you to help with that ?”
    “Beats me. Maybe I’ll have a better idea after I talk with this guy.” He waved the piece of paper containing the phone number given him by Spiros.
    “Chief, we’ve been together a long time….” Kouros let the words trail off.
    Andreas smiled. “Since Mykonos, and I know what you’re thinking. All fat cat bad guys are looking for a friendly cop willing to look the other way, and I’m sure this one’s no different.”
    “At least my cousin came by his ways honestly. He was born to that life. Corrupt political types make a conscious decision not to play by the rules.”
    “Fine, so we’re both warned.”
    “I do need the time off.”
    “I know. Take what you need. But keep me in the loop. And you’re on duty, not off. The last thing we need down there is a clan war. That part of the Mani is just beginning to get a toehold on tourism and a breakout of vendetta violence could wreck its prospects.”
    “Funny you should say that. The reason my uncle wanted to see me yesterday was to tell the family he’d reached a deal to lease out the family property as a big-time resort.”
    “Like I said, for everyone’s sake, let’s hope that if your uncle was murdered it’s not tied into a vendetta or likely to start one. But whatever it is, try to wrap it up quickly because I really do need your help with this Crete thing.”
    “Mind if I ask you a question, Chief?”
    “As if I have a choice.”
    “Why are you doing this for Spiros? You know better than anyone that he’ll turn on you faster than a hooker on a nonpaying trick if he thinks it could take the heat off him.”
    Andreas nodded. “I made it perfectly clear to him I knew all of that. Though I didn’t put it quite as thoughtfully as you just did.”
    “So, like I said, why are you doing this? He’s just sticking you with another mess he can’t get anyone else to touch.”
    Andreas spread open his arms. “That’s just the point. If I don’t take it on, who will? We might as well hand over the keys to Greece to the bad guys. As I see it, either I do my job and risk Spiros turning on me, or I resign.” Andreas rubbed at his eyes with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand. “If I resigned I’d be out of the fight, powerless against the wolves descending on our country in packs. Just the thought of being helpless drives me close to crazy. I’d have to move my family out of Greece to save my sanity. And that’s something I never want to do. So, for now, I risk another betrayal by Spiros as my price for staying in the battle.” Andreas dropped his hand from his eyes and stared out the window. “But if that little bastard tries to screw me this time…”
    “We can always call

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