So Much to Live For

Read So Much to Live For for Free Online

Book: Read So Much to Live For for Free Online
Authors: Lurlene McDaniel
    “Yeah,” Fran added. “Mostly, we all try to get Dr. Ben. Dawn got him the last two years in a row.” The girls who’d been at camp before told Marlee how Dawn had been the ringleader of the pranks in the past.
    Marlee listened and even though she tried to act like she didn’t care, Dawn saw a smile lurk at the corners of her mouth.
    “Why don’t you sit down and have breakfast with us?” Dawn asked, casually pulling out a chair from the table.
    Marlee hesitated for a second, but ended up sitting with them.
, Dawn thought.
Maybe we can soften up Marlee after all.
    “What are you going to do to him this year?” Paige asked eagerly, returning Dawn to the discussion about camp pranks.
    “I’m a CIT. I’m afraid I can’t do anything this year, so I guess I’ll have to leave it up to you.”
    “Not us,” Cindy said between mouthfuls of cereal. “Maybe some of the guys’ll come up with an idea.”
    “But it’s a tradition,” Dawn insisted.
    “Won’t he get mad?” Marlee asked.
    “Are you kidding?” Paige asked. “He expects it. I think we’d be letting him down if we didn’t do something.”
    “Gee, I don’t know,” Val said with a shake of her head. “He’ll be on the lookout, so it’ll really be hard to get something past him.”
    “Well, whatever you guys think,” Dawn said, sensing the girls’ hesitancy. “We can always let some of the others think one up this year.”
    Just then the bell clanged announcing the end of breakfast. Fran stood, saying, “Come on, you all. Cabin cleanup. I want that pizza party.” One by one, they started for the tray return window while Marlee sat toying with her bowl of soggy corn flakes.
    Dawn held her breath, willing the others to turn around and notice. It was Val who did. “Aren’t you coming, Marlee?”
    Marlee started. “I–I guess so.” She got up so quickly that Dawn had to catch her chair to keep it from falling over.
    “Shelly’s doing the inspections today,” Dawn announced giving Marlee a sly wink, “so I won’t be able to help you out any like I did yesterday.”
    “Don’t worry,” Esther called. “That place will be so neat, she’ll be able to eat off the floors!”
    Dawn watched them leave in a cluster, like a small flock of geese. Marlee hesitated slightly, and then tagged doggedly after them.
    That afternoon during the rap session, Dawn and Gail led their group in a discussion about their feelings about having cancer. Dawn listened as campers shared, but she kept watching Marlee. The girl sat on her hands, her long legs wrapped around the legs of the chair, and stared at the floor. Her shoulders were hunched, her back slumped. Dawn tried to pull her into the discussion by asking, “How about you, Marlee? What’s your story?”
    Marlee looked up, and her expression reminded Dawn of a deer caught suddenly by headlights. She glanced quickly from one person to another. All at once, she announced, “This is boring. I’m out of here.” She jumped up and headed out the door.
    “Wait. Don’t leave,” Gail called and looked to Dawn. Her expression said,
Go after her
    Dawn darted out only to see Marlee vanishing down one of the camp trails. “Marlee!” Dawn called. The girl kept going, and Dawn had to run to catch up. She drew alongside and grabbed her arm. “Hey, wait up.”
    “Leave me alone!” Marlee shouted. “I hate this place, and I hate having cancer!” She tried to shake Dawn off, but Dawn wouldn’t let go.
    “Do you think any of us had a choice?” Dawn asked. “No one asked me when I was thirteen if I wanted to get leukemia. No one consulted me about chemo and spinal taps and blood work.”
    “But you’re well now.”
    “Am I? So far my transplant’s been a success, but there are no guarantees. Come back to the group with me. Listening to the others helps you feel less alone. Who knows? Maybe it’ll help make you feel better about yourself.”
    “I hate being defective,” Marlee said

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