So Much To Bear (A Werebear Erotic Romance)
subdued, he reached
into another hole in the tree and extracted a thick, heavy comb of
honey, a few bees still clinging to it, dazed by the smoke. The
thick nectar dripped from his fingers and the man hurriedly slipped
the comb into another of the pouches he had carried with him,
blowing more smoke into the hole before raiding the hive once more.
He plumed a final dusting of smoke through the area as he
retreated, rejoining Jennifer. He smiled slightly, holding up his
honey-coated fingers. “Taste,” he said. Hesitantly, Jennifer took
his hand in hers and brought one of his fingers to her lips. The
honey was unlike anything she had ever tasted—rich, slightly
bitter, complex and floral. Her eyes widened in appreciation and
she forced herself to suppress the urge to take all of his fingers
into her mouth and lick them clean of the sweet, delicious
    “So now you know: bears really do like
honey,” the man said quietly. Jennifer let his finger fall from her
lips as she choked on the surprise she felt that he had
actually—wonder of wonders—made a joke. Before she could make any
comment, however, he turned away from her, walking away from the
grove and back the way they had come. She had no choice but to
follow him, smiling slightly to herself; it wasn’t much, but the
fact that he had made a joke had to mean that he was becoming at
least a little more comfortable with her.
    Jennifer took up the parcels of their
food, brushing aside the mysterious man’s insistence that he was
fine and could carry them back to his cave without assistance. “You
know,” she said, licking her lips and still able to taste the honey
from the man’s fingers, “It would be a lot easier if you would at
least tell me your name.” The man raised an eyebrow at her, his
lips twisting in something like a grin.
    “Easier how?” Jennifer
    “I could thank you properly, for one.
‘Thank you, guy who rescued me,’ doesn’t really roll off the tongue
that easily.” The man chuckled, shaking his head.
    “You seem to manage it well enough.”
Jennifer stopped, holding onto the basket and pouches tightly and
crossing her arms to pin the man down with a glance.
    “Come on. I’ve helped you all day—yes,
I know, I didn’t have to, you’re perfectly fine on your own in
spite of two knife wounds, and you’re a very manly man, I get it.
I’ve helped you all day, and I think that at least merits your
name.” The man looked as though he was going to demur once more,
and Jennifer set her jaw, preparing for a long argument. She
wouldn’t move—and she couldn’t be sure that she could fend the man
off, but she thought he was still a little weak. He sighed finally,
looking away for a moment before meeting her gaze.
    “My name is Damon,” he said, his golden
eyes peering into hers. “What’s yours? I should probably know the
name of the woman I ‘rescued.’” Jennifer smiled.
    “It’s Jennifer. Thank you.”
    “What were you doing in the woods last
night?” he asked, as they both resumed their trek back up to his
cave. Jennifer shrugged.
    “There was a group of us; we were
planning on going through the woods to get to the next town over
and got lost. The rest of the group went to retrace our steps and I
got left alone with Liam… and you know pretty much what happened
after that.” The man nodded.
    “What made you come after me?” he
asked, as they finally came to the cliff that contained his cave.
Jennifer shrugged, slinging the basket up to her shoulder and
starting the climb.
    “Well, it’s not every day that you see
a guy transform into a bear, first of all,” she said, glancing over
her shoulder at the man to make sure she hadn’t offended him.
“Secondly, I thought—and forgive me for this—that you might have
gone after Liam, and while he’s definitely not a pleasant guy, I
didn’t want to have to deal with him being dead.” She heard Damon

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