Snow Angel (The Hope Falls Chronicles)

Read Snow Angel (The Hope Falls Chronicles) for Free Online

Book: Read Snow Angel (The Hope Falls Chronicles) for Free Online
Authors: Melanie Shawn
said, “You
    made good time. I was expecting Sue Ann to keep you there for a good hour at least.”
    Lily laughed. It seemed Lauren knew the proprietress of the quaint café quite well. “She said that since I had told her that I was going out with you today to look at places, she planned ahead. She sent me on my
    way with enough food to feed me for a week.”
    “That’s Sue Ann,” Lauren nodded as the stepped into the kitchen. “So here is the application and lease.
    Make sure to fill in and sign and date wherever you see a red arrow.”
    Lauren handed the stack of papers to Lily along with two sets of keys. As Lily filled out the paperwork
    accordingly, Lauren’s phone buzzed. Lily glanced up just in time to see the expression on Lauren’s face
    Ah, it must be Ben calling her.
    The change in Lauren’s demeanor whenever she talked about or to Ben amazed Lily. From what Lily
    had observed on the few occasions she’d been around Lauren, she was controlled, contained, measured.
    Some might even say detached and cool. But as soon as anything Ben-related came into her consciousness,
    her entire facade just melted.
    “Hi!” Lauren’s face softened as she answered the call. “I’m just about finished up.”
    A blush rose up Lauren’s cheeks and her lips turned up into a smile.
    A barely noticeable huskiness filled her tone as she said, “Sounds good. See you then.”
    As Lauren disconnected the call, Lily handed the signed documents including the check for first and last
    months’ rent and the deposit to her. Lauren flipped through everything, making sure that it was all in order.
    “Everything looks good. You can either mail or drop off the rent to my offices before the fifth of each
    “Got it,” Lily confirmed.
    They moved to the front door, and Lauren paused. Turning back, she asked, “Do you have movers
    coming or do you need some help?”
    Lily was once again blown away by the community atmosphere that each resident, even Lauren, who
    was a reality show celebrity, seemed to have. “I’m good. It’s just a few boxes. I’ve got them.”
    Lauren’s gaze focused directly on Lily. This was the second time today that she had been on the
    receiving end of that assessing stare. The first had been in the café when Lauren had been attempting to
    decipher what exactly was going on between Lily and Eric. Yeah, Good luck with that . And now it was happening again while Lauren was deciding whether or not Lily really didn’t need help.
    Lily pasted on her brightest, most confident smile, and after a few moments, Lauren tilted her head as
    she narrowed her eyes. “Okay, but if you change your mind, give me a call. I can have Ben, Ryan, and
    Luke over here with one SOS text to Karina and Sam.”
    Lily felt that good ol’ reliable emptiness bubble back up inside of her. Lauren had a fabulous life. She
    not only had amazing friends—whom Lily had found out over the weekend called themselves “the
    Fabulous Four”—but all of them had amazing men in their lives. Lily couldn’t begin to imagine what a
    support system like that would feel like.
    “Thanks so much for the offer, but really, I don’t have that much stuff,” Lily insisted.
    Lauren paused for a moment then nodded, letting it go.
    They said their goodbyes, and as Lily shut the door, she could practically hear the studio in the back calling her name.
    “Lily, come dance in me.”
    All she wanted to do was change into leggings and a loose shirt, grab her iPod, and go put that space to
    good use. But instead of giving in to her impulse, she decided to do the responsible thing and unpack her
    Jeep. She at least needed to get the perishable food that Sue Ann had sent into the freezer and a couple of boxes inside, she negotiated with herself mentally.
    Yep, she could do that.
    “I got a call that Scooby made the great escape once again. Do you need me to go take care of it? I’m on
    my way home, so I can swing him by,”

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