Skin Walkers: Monroe

Read Skin Walkers: Monroe for Free Online

Book: Read Skin Walkers: Monroe for Free Online
Authors: Susan Bliler
vehicle?”  When she looked back to the two men, Bishop was shaking his head.
    “Look,” King began taking a step closer.
    “Don’t move!” Eden shook her head.  “Both of you keep your hands up and stay where you are.”  She leaned into her truck and pulled out the receiver on her radio.  She was just about to call in for back-up when the back door of the Humvee in front of her opened and Monroe StoneCrow stepped out. 
    “Ms. StCloud, what seems to be the problem?” He was fighting to hide a grin.
    Enraged at his clear enjoyment of the situation, Eden reached back in and replaced her radio before she stepped back out and lifted her pistol.  “Hands in the air Mr. StoneCrow.”
    His smile faded and when the muscle in his jaw twitched, Eden repeated herself. “I said, Put. Your. Hands. In. The. Air!”
    Monroe ground his teeth together and did as he was told.
    “Walk toward me.” 
    Monroe c omplied and sauntered toward her to stand beside King and Bishop.
    Keeping her pistol trained on the three men, Eden cautiously stepped back keeping her voice assertive, “Is there anyone else inside either vehicle?”
    Bishop rolled his eyes, but it was King who responded.  “No.”
    Eden demanded, “Gentlemen turn and place your hands on the vehicle and spread your legs wide.”
    Monroe’s lip curled in a derisive sneer, “You can’t be serious.”
    “Up against the vehicle!   NOW!”
    The trio of towering men did as she demanded. 
    She had no doubt that Monroe had ordered the little maneuver that had her truck currently trapped between the two Humvees.  With her heart pounding she approached Bishop who stood nearest the hood of the Humvee.  He was ridiculously tall and there was no way in hell she’d be able to search his upper body.  She holstered her pistol and ran her hands around his waist half expecting to find a firearm.  Finding none, she patted down each of Bishop’s legs in turn.  When she heard Bishop growl she stood and kicked one of his ankles and commanded, “Wider!” 
    She thought she heard King laugh as Bishop spread his legs further apart dropping him down so she was able to search his upper body.  When she was finished searching Bishop she shoved him hard in the back trying to force him to sprawl over the car.  It was like pushing against a brick wall and when Bishop didn’t move she shoved him harder.
    “Bishop !”  Monroe growled.
    Bishop turned to stare at Monroe before acquiescing to Eden’s shove and flattening his upper body against the hood, frowning at her from the corner of his eye.
    “Keep your hands where I can see ‘em.”  Then she moved to King and repeated the process.  When she got to Monroe his body was rigid with anger.
    “Is this really necessary?”
    Eden ran her fingers around his waist, her pulse picking up as her breasts brushed his back in an effort to reach around the breadth of him.  Her hands glided over hard muscle.  “Intimidating a peace offer is a criminal offense boys.”
    “Boys? ”  Monroe growled insulted.  “We weren’t intimidating, we were…”
    Finished searching his legs Eden stood and ran her hands the length of one arm then the other.  “You were intimidating a peace officer.”
    “Can we help it if you’re intimidated by our presence?”
    Satisfied none of the men were armed and satisfied that they were now fully aware of just who was in charge, Eden stepped back several paces.  “You can drop your hands.”
    All three men slowly turned and faced her.
    “Just what is it you men are doing out here?” 
    “Monroe rubbed the back of his neck.  “We’re hunting our escaped exotics.”
    Eden crossed her arms over her chest, “So they are yours then?”
    Monroe didn’t blink, “Yes.  They are mine.”
    “And what exactly is it I can expect to find up there?” Eden motioned with her chin towards the mountains.
    When Monroe didn’t answer King supplied.  “Black panther and a gemsbok.”

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