Sir Tristan's Estate (Legends Unleashed Vol.1)
    The taxi driver was waiting anxiously outside
as Skye burst through the door.
    “Are you all right?” the driver asked as she
grabbed onto him.
    “He’s the ghost of Sir Tristan!” Skye cried,
pointing at Tom. “That is Sir Tristan.”
    “That…that can’t be,” the driver
    “It is,” Skye shrieked as Tom moved forward,
an angry expression on his face.
    “Don’t move another inch!” the driver
    Tom ignored him and continued.
    “What do you want?” the driver asked with
less confidence. He and Skye stepped backwards as Tom advanced.
    “I want my bride,” Tom demanded.
    The driver cast Skye a confused glance.
    “It’s not true. He’s a mentally ill ghost who
forgot to take his medication.”
    The driver’s eyes went wide as Tom reached
forward and purposely floated his hand through his throat.
    “You’re a ghost!” The driver ran to the taxi
and jumped inside. Skye was close at his heels. He fumbled with the
key, his hands shaking so badly he couldn’t insert it.
    “Hurry,” Skye begged. She looked up to see
Tom’s arms float through the front window. His hands were reaching
straight for her.
    “Stay with me forever,” Tom begged. “Please
put an end to my suffering.”
    Skye screamed as Tom’s cold hands grasped her
    Tom’s hands suddenly flew away. The driver
had finally started the engine and put the car into reverse. The
car sped backwards, leaving Tom standing in the road, shaking his
fists as the dust swirled around him.
    “Come back!” Tom pleaded as he chased the
moving car.
    “He’s going to catch us – go faster,” Skye
    The taxi driver floored the pedal and they
watched as Tom disappeared in the distance.
    “That…that was unreal!” the driver stuttered
as the car left the unpaved road and merged into traffic.
    “I know,” Skye agreed with a shiver. “When I
found out who Tom Dove really was, I said the exact same
    “Will he follow us?” The driver glanced at
Skye, his face filled with worry.
    “I don’t think so. Somehow I don’t think he
could bear to leave his estate.”
    “What happened in there?”
    “It’s all too much to explain,” Skye began.
“But what I will say is that you saved my life. If you hadn’t shown
up…” she let her voice trail off. She didn’t want to think about
still being trapped in the estate with Tom Dove Tristan. “Why did you come?” Skye asked curiously.
    “To give you this,” the driver said, stopping
at a red light and passing her a roll of film.
    “Where did you get this?”
    “You must have dropped it while you were in
my taxi. Since you mentioned that you’re a professional
photographer, I thought it might be important.”
    Skye held the roll of film in her hand. “It’s
the most important roll of film I’ve ever had because it saved my
life!” I guess photography really is my true calling . At
least it had better be. I’m so out of a job once I return
home with a half finished assignment .
    “Don’t worry about losing your job,” the
driver reassured Skye, as if reading her thoughts. “You’ll come and
live with me. You can take pictures of the beautiful scenery that
Virginia has to offer.”
    Skye felt the familiar feeling of her blood
going cold. “How…how did you know what I was thinking?”
    “I’m a sorcerer. I only drive a taxi to pay
my rent. Sorcery is my first love. However, most women find me
weird – it gets really lonely. Since you’ve already seen the
unnatural, maybe you won’t find me so scary. What do you say,
    Skye’s hand reached for the door handle as
she prepared to jump out of the moving car. It snapped shut. She
looked at the driver with wide eyes.
    “I can read minds, remember?” the driver said
with a smile. “We’re going to have so much fun.”
    Skye furiously jerked on the door handle,
cursing when it wouldn’t budge. I wish I’d never accepted the
    “Getting away from me won’t be

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