Sinful Weekend

Read Sinful Weekend for Free Online

Book: Read Sinful Weekend for Free Online
Authors: Francesca St. Claire
thoroughly, lovingly, wildly and, in the end, when they were in one another’s
arms like they were now—sated, content beyond words—he still wanted her, any
part of her, all of her.
    But it wasn’t just her body he liked. She amused him. She
had a happy smile and was most generous with it. He found her easiness and
relaxed demeanor very attractive. And her voice with its many tones fascinated
him too. Joyful when she spoke of her family and friends, humorous and vibrant
when telling a story, seductive when the mood called for it. There was depth to
her, as well. From their conversation that afternoon while taking a walk in the
woods, he’d sensed a great sensibility and professionalism and a deep, real
caring for others less fortunate than herself.
    Why had he asked her to ski? The answer was obvious enough.
He couldn’t help himself. She’d aroused his…curiosity. And he had a very
curious mind.
    He smiled, diverted by his own reflections. “I wanted to be
with you,” he said, the smile lingering in his words.
    She tilted her face up, drawing his gaze to hers. Their eyes
locked and held. Strong positive vibes and powerful, genuine energy flowed
between them.
    “I’m glad,” she murmured.
    He lowered his head and with his lips he found hers. He
sucked on her tongue, drawing it deep into his mouth, teasing it with his own.
She dug her nails into his bottom and kneaded his taut cheeks. He groaned at
her response, and Stephanie moaned and sank deeper into the couch.
    “So am I,” he rasped against her neck. “So am I.”

Chapter Five
    As silly as the whole idea sounded, Stephanie had started to
believe they’d known each other in another life. It was just that they fit so
well—and not merely in bed alone. Although sex with Nick was mind-shattering.
    When his hands and mouth were all over her, there was truly
little else she could consider but making love with him. She had, nevertheless,
discovered they shared a lot of likes and dislikes too. Sex—sigh—skiing,
obviously, and even a favorite city—San Francisco. They both loathed reality
shows and animal cruelty. And something else they had in common—the desire for
a big family. Which, at the rate they were going, wouldn’t be hard to
    Then there were their similar views on commitment. Nick also
believed once a person made a promise they stood by it through thick and thin,
good and bad, sickness and health. He believed, as did she, that marriage was
for life. Which explained why the handsome, financially independent
thirty-something was still single. He’d refused to enter marriage without being
absolutely certain the woman he married was “the one”.
    He’d also told her he’d been in a couple of serious
relationships, but they had both ended a while back. He’d been dating casually
ever since, though most of his time was dedicated to working and building a
successful career and business.
    She hadn’t expected to be drawn into this burning fire fast
consuming her, but the more she gave, the more she wanted to offer. She didn’t
care about commitment, marriage or future. Not now. Not when he was kissing and
caressing her, making her tingle all over, his mouth and lips gathering a
fierce need in her he, alone, could satisfy.
    She heaved a sigh. It all felt so good, seemed so right,
like something out of a dream. Her physical pleasure was only topped by deeper,
stronger emotions.
    A shudder rocked her body when he latched on to one of her
nipples. She cupped his head and let the thrill of his lips on her skin take
    The two of them moved in front of the fire and she sat on
the white shaggy carpet in the V of his legs.
    “Who are you?” Nick murmured against her right shoulder.
    Good question. She’d wondered too. Was she the seductress or
the seduced? She’d had a few inhibitions, but since meeting Nick one after
another of those stopping blocks had fallen down, liberating her. The sense of
freedom was

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