Silent Night

Read Silent Night for Free Online

Book: Read Silent Night for Free Online
Authors: Mary Higgins Clark
said as he shoved him roughly to the floor.
    Brian gasped as his forehead slammed onto the cracked linoleum. He sat up slowly, rubbing his head. He felt like the room was spinning, but he could hear the woman he had followed pleading with the man. “Jimmy, don’t hurt him. Please. Leave us alone. Take the money and go. But get out of here.”
    Brian wrapped his arms around his legs, trying not to cry. He shouldn’t have followed the lady. He knew that now. He should have yelled instead of following her so that maybe somebody would stop her. This man was bad. This man wasn’t going to let him go home. And nobody knew where he was. Nobody knew where to look for him.
    He felt the medal dangling against his chest and closed his fist around it. Please get me back to Mom, he prayed silently, so I can bring you to Dad.
    He did not look up to see Jimmy Siddons studying him. He did not know that Jimmy’s mind was racing, assessing the situation. This kid followed Cally when she took the wallet, Siddons thought. Did anyone follow him? No. If they had, they’d be here by now. “Where did you get the wallet?” he asked his sister.
    â€œOn Fifth Avenue. Across from Rockefeller Center.” Cally was terrified now. Jimmy would stop at nothing to get away. Not at killing her. Not at killing this child. “His mother must have dropped it. I picked it up off the sidewalk. I guess he saw me.”
    â€œI guess he did.” Jimmy looked at the phone on the table next to the couch. Then, grinning, he reached for the cellular phone he had taken from the glove compartment of the stolen car. He also took out a gun and pointed it at Cally. “The cops may have your phone tapped.” He pointed at the table next to the couch. “Goover there. I’m going to dial your number and tell you I’m turning myself in and I want you to call that public defender who is representing me. All you have to do is act nice and nervous, just like you are now. Make a mistake and you and this kid are dead.”
    He looked down at Brian. “One peep out of you and . . .” He left the threat unspoken.
    Brian nodded to show he understood. He was too scared to even promise that he’d be quiet.
    â€œCally, you got all that straight?”
    Cally nodded. How stupid I’ve been, she thought. I was fool enough to believe I’d gotten away from him. No chance. He even knows this phone number.
    He finished dialing and the phone beside her rang. “Hello.” Her voice was low and muffled.
    â€œCally, it’s Jimmy. Listen, I’m in trouble. You probably know by now. I’m sorry I tried to get away. I hope that guard will be all right. I’m broke and I’m scared.” Jimmy’s voice was a whine. “Call Gil Weinstein. He’s the public defender assigned to me. Tell him I’ll meet him at St. Patrick’s Cathedral when midnight Mass is over. Tell him I want to turn myself in and I want him to be with me. His home number is 555-0267. Cally, I’m sorry I messed up everything so badly.”
    Jimmy pressed the disconnect on the cellular phone and watched as Cally hung up as well. “They can’t trace a cellular phone call, you know that, don’t you? Okay,now phone Weinstein and give him the same story. If the cops are listening, they must be jumping up and down right now.”
    â€œJimmy, they’ll think I . . .”
    In two steps Jimmy was beside her, the gun to her head. “Make the call.”
    â€œYour lawyer may not be home. He may refuse to meet you.”
    â€œNaw. I know him. He’s a jerk. He’ll want the publicity. Get him.”
    Cally did not need to be told to make it quick. The moment Gil Weinstein was on the line, she rushed to say, “You don’t know me. I’m Cally Hunter. My brother, Jimmy Siddons, just called. He wants me to tell you . . .” In a quavering voice she delivered the

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