Should There Be (Vampire Assassin League)
    “I was speaking with the Crusader.”
    “Asking him a favor, were you?”
    “Well, he’s on a short leash for a bit. No favors without my knowledge.”
    “Sounds serious.”
    “It is. You still aboard that black yacht owned by Dane…what is it this time, Monroe?”
    “Morgan. It was Monroe last go-around.”
    “Oh. I know his name. I just like making conversation.”
    “You’ll see.”
    “Can I just tell you what I need?” Rafaele asked.
    “I already know. Patience, Santiago. That’s what you need. A little more patience and a lot less Spanish machismo, although I understand it still drives the women wild.”
    “You have a point to this?”
     “You ever speak with your landlord?”
    “What landlord? I’m a sailor aboard a ship. Nothing more. Nothing less.”
    “Sure you are. And the illegal slaver that disappeared from radar last summer off the coast of Africa had absolutely nothing to do with you and that big black yacht, My Office . Right?”
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
    “Of course not. But I have a message along with a hefty reward for you, nonetheless. Seems one of those beautiful young maidens you freed comes from a family of some substance…and a rich husband-to-be. You’d think kidnapping and trafficking in women was a thing of the past, wouldn’t you?”
    “I wouldn’t know.”
    “If you have to go sinking ships and rescuing maidens and doing the pillaging and plunder stuff, you might try wearing a mask next time. It’ll cut down on trouble.”
    “What trouble?”
    “I hear they’ve got an issue with the ladies now. They saw you. It ruins them for any other man…including said fiancé. Or so, I’ve been told.”
    Rafaele sucked in his cheeks and regarded the screen for several long moments while he waited.
    “No answer?”
    “Is there a purpose to this conversation, Akron? I really need some information. That’s the only reason I called.”
    “Oh. I know. Don’t worry. I just enjoy conversing with you. Always. Have any issues reaching us tonight?”
    “Not really.”
    “Why don’t we just skip to where I ask you what happened last night, shall we?”
    “I handled the hit. Without help, I might add.”
    “Impressive. And rare. I had 4-D Team Yellow on call for you.”
    “I told you. I handled it.”
    “I know. There wasn’t even your usual mess. Or haven’t you seen the news?”
    “Apparently, well-known Minneapolis entrepreneur, Mister Eddie Vega, along with a few of his associates, had a very bad train versus vehicle collision. The bodies are so mangled it’ll take weeks to sort it out and know for certain. Don’t know why those vehicles keep thinking they can take on a train. It’s a bad gamble.”
    “Eddie Vega’s one of them. I guarantee it.”
    “I know that, too. I spoke with his driver just a few moments before the fatal collision. A guy named Daniel. Great driver. You know I can always use a good driver. You want to tell me how you lost your phone yet?”
    “My phone?” Rafaele asked.
    “Your phone. Last night. After the hit. Why do you think we’re on alert at the moment? Training?”
    “I may have lost it but it was dead. Unusable.”
    “The police have access to technology, too, Santiago.”
    His voice choked. He came out of his indolent pose to perch on the front of his chair, glaring at the screen. He’d been so certain she was fine! If anything had happened to her…! Rafaele didn’t have a heart with any life to it but everything in his chest seized up painfully.
    “Minneapolis’s finest have possession of your previous phone. They’ve about given up hacking our system, but we had to be sure.”
    “She’s going to be all right, isn’t she?”
    There was a long pause as his words finished echoing.
    “You want to tell me what we’re talking about? Or do I have to guess?”
    “I found her, Akron. My mate. Last night.”
    Akron gave a long sigh,

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