She's Out

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Book: Read She's Out for Free Online
Authors: Lynda La Plante
sat, drumming his fingers on the mug shot of Dorothy Rawlins. He had read so much on Dolly Rawlins and her husband that he knew that if
the diamonds existed she would go after them. He thought about Angela on her way to Ester Freeman. He wondered about a lot of things, trying to think if there was any possibility of doing something
for his sister, for his mother – if he could get Dolly Rawlins back inside.
    Mike checked the files over and over again, then went through Harry Rawlins’s files. Then he received a phone call, nothing to do with Dolly Rawlins, nothing to do with his mother or his
sister. It was from Brixton Prison: a boy called Francis Lloyd wanted to give some information.
    A lot of police officers have their private snitches in the prisons, someone wanting to do a bit of a trade. Lloyd was a youngster Mike had arrested on a burglary eighteen months ago. He had
been sentenced to two years because of a previous conviction. He was a likeable kid, and Mike had even got to know his mum and dad, so he returned the call – and for the second time in one
day he heard the name Dolly Rawlins. Francis had some information but he didn’t want to talk about it over the phone.
    Governor Ellis rose to her feet from behind the desk as Dolly Rawlins was ushered into her bright, friendly office. She offered tea, a usual ritual when a long-serving prisoner
was leaving. Mrs Ellis was an exceptionally good governor and well liked by the inmates for her fairness and, in many instances, her kindness and understanding. Rawlins, however, seemed never to
have needed her on any level and as she passed the floral china cup to her, Mrs Ellis couldn’t help but detect an open antagonism that she had never sensed before.
    She eased the conversation round, discussing openings and contacts should Dolly feel in need of assistance outside, making sure she was fully aware that she would, because of the nature of her
crime, be on parole for the rest of her life. When she asked if Dolly had any plans for the future she received only a hushed, ‘Yes, I have plans, thank you.’
    ‘Well, I am always here if ever you need to talk to me, or ask my opinion. You must feel there is a network of people who will give you every assistance to readjust to being outside. Eight
years is a long time, and you will find many changes.’
    ‘I’m sure I will,’ Dolly replied, returning the half-empty cup to the tray.
    Barbara Hunter remained with her back to the door, staring at Rawlins whose calm composure annoyed the hell out of her. She listened as Mrs Ellis passed over leaflets and numbers should Rawlins
require them. She kept her eyes on Rawlins’s face, wanting to see some kind of reaction, but Dolly remained impassive.
    ‘You have been of invaluable help with many of the young offenders and especially with the mothers’ and children’s ward. I really appreciate all your hard work and I wish you
every success in the future.’
    Dolly leaned forward and asked, bluntly, if she could leave.
    ‘Why, of course you can, Dorothy.’ Mrs Ellis smiled.
    ‘Anything I say now, it can’t change that, can it?’ Dolly seemed tense, her body arched.
    ‘No, Dorothy, you are free to go.’
    ‘Good. Well, there is something I would like to say. That woman . . .’ Dolly turned an icy stare to Barbara Hunter who straightened quickly. ‘You know what she is, we all know
it, and I’ve got no quarrel with anyone’s sexual preferences so don’t get me wrong, Mrs Ellis. But that woman should not be allowed near the young girls comin’ in. She
shouldn’t be allowed to get her dirty hands on any single kid in this place, but she does, and you all know it. She messes with the most vulnerable, especially when they’ve just had
their babies taken from them. You got any decency inside you, Mrs Ellis, you should get rid of her.’
    Mrs Ellis stood up, flushing, as Dolly sprang to her feet, adding, ‘I know where she lives.’
    Mrs Ellis snapped,

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