shadowrun 40 The Burning Time
little errand, but I think you will enjoy it. I know how much you have missed your dear, dear father."
    Bridget’s eyebrows rose slightly, and her pretty mouth twisted in a grimace.
    "Talon," Gallow whispered, then smiled wickedly.
    "That’s right," Mama said. "It will be a chance to see him again and to feed well along the way. You’ll need to keep up your strength, my pet. The time is approaching, and events are already set into motion. Listen carefully, and I will explain what you need to do. . ."

    Rory MacInnis hated guard duty more than he hated almost anything else in his young life. It was mind-numblingly dull, and besides, it wasn’t like anyone was going to come and find them. The Knights of the Red Branch had escaped the authorities in Boston for decades. Living here in the Rox, they could continue to hide for another thirty years before Knight Errant or the Feds would bother coming in after them.
    Rory knew they wouldn’t be hiding much longer, though, because everything would soon change. The Knights were going to win back their homeland and overthrow the fragging elves who thought they could just barge in and take over a whole country as easy as you please. Well, the elves obviously didn’t understand the Irish at all or they’d know the people wouldn’t give up their land without a fight.
    Truth to tell, Rory would have liked to see a lot more fighting than he had since joining up. There was a lot of planning, skulking around, and hiding out in places like this abandoned factory building in the Rox. There were meetings with people and deals to be made. Rory knew it was because the Knights weren’t strong enough to confront the elves head-on, and so they had to seek out other means. But he’d still rather be out busting heads and collecting a few pointy elven ears than waiting around on guard duty.
    He was so lost in thought that he almost missed the movement on the monitor in front of him. He glanced at the grainy LCD display, which was wired up to tiny cameras placed outside the factory. There was definitely someone coming. A woman was making a beeline from the rusted fence toward the door that Rory guarded, like she knew exactly where she was going. He picked up his Ingram and checked its readout, making sure the gun was fully loaded and ready. Then he picked up the commlink next to the display screen and spoke into it.
    "Nils, this is Rory. We’ve got company coming up to the front."
    "Roger that, lad. We’re on our way over. Lie low."
    Rory went to the door, but kept his eye on the monitor. The woman walked up to the door, bold as brass, and rapped on it three times. Rory checked the spy hole in the door and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw who was waiting outside. He quickly threw back the bolt and cracked open the door to peek around it.
    "Geez, Bridget!" he said. "What are you thinkin’ coming here out in the open like that, woman? Get in here!"
    Bridget stumbled in through the door, and Rory could smell the stench of liquor on her. Phew! She must be drunk as a skunk, he thought as she almost fell against him.
    "Sorry," Bridget said, slurring her words slightly. "Got a little lost."
    "I’ll say." Rory grinned knowingly. "Lost inside a bottle, eh?"
    "Jus’ a few drinks to celebrate," she said, bleary-eyed, like she couldn’t quite focus on his face.
    "Well, a couple people were wonderin’ where you nicked off to," Rory told her. He figured that a lass as good-looking as Bridget must have some fellow on the side. He wouldn’t have minded spending the evening at some pub himself.
    "C’mon," he said, taking her by the arm. "Let’s get you to bed before the commander sees you. I swear, lass, one day somebody’s going to mess up, and there’s going to be hell to pay."


    Dan Otabi slotted his credstick into the reader at the gate, confirming his authorized access to Cross Applied Technologies property, then drove to his designated parking space in the lot. He killed the

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