Seeds of Desire

Read Seeds of Desire for Free Online

Book: Read Seeds of Desire for Free Online
Authors: Karenna Colcroft
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
thrust up into her and a long, loud groan
as his cock stuttered within her.
    Flames ran over her skin and aftershocks rippled through her
again and again. Each time, Jared convulsed beneath her as her mini-climaxes
apparently triggered aftereffects for him as well. He grunted and shoved into
her again, then went limp.
    She fought her body, which was weak and threatening to
collapse against him, long enough to climb off him. For a moment, she lay on
her side, trying to catch her breath.
    He turned his head and smiled at her. “Thank you.”
    “I didn’t do it for you.” Ignoring an all too strong impulse
to rest her head on his chest, she forced herself off the bed. “You started it.
You got to finish. Happy now?”
    “Yes, and I wish you were too.” He propped himself on one
elbow. “Cass, don’t leave, please. Not this angry. Can’t we—”
    “No,” she said firmly. She gathered her clothes and pulled
them on as quickly as she could, refusing to look away from him despite the
sudden embarrassment that filled her as the full impact of what she’d just done
hit her. “This isn’t going to happen again,” she reminded him, striding toward
the door. “If you even mention it, I’ll kill you. So savor the memory.”
    “Cass, please.”
    She yanked the door open, stepped into the hall and slammed
it shut on his protest.
    Back in her own room, she curled up on the bed and shut her
eyes tightly against the tears that threatened. She hadn’t wanted the evening
to end this way. Hadn’t meant to hurt Jared. Or herself.
    She’d tried so hard to keep her distance from him, both
because of his arrogance and because she had to work with him, and look where
it had left her.
    Her body still tingled with the remnants of her climax. Her
cunt still contracted slightly. If she hadn’t walked out on him the way she
had, she might have waited ’til they recovered, then fucked him again.
    She couldn’t let that happen. Maybe she didn’t hate him.
Deep inside her heart, she knew she didn’t. That didn’t mean she had feelings
for him, though. They worked together. That was all, assuming she hadn’t just
ruined their working relationship by fucking his brains out.
    Gradually, her breathing returned to normal. She stared at
the darkness of her room until exhaustion and embarrassment forced her eyes
closed and she slept.

Chapter Four
    Cassidy woke early the next morning, an unfamiliar ache
between her legs. For a moment she stared at the ceiling, trying to place
    Then the events of the previous night flooded back and she
rolled over to bury her face in her pillow. I fucked Jared Jackson. How the
hell am I supposed to look him in the eye this morning?
    She needed a shower. That would wake her up enough to think
    She rose and rummaged in her suitcase for the baggy faded
jeans and sweatshirt she wore for gardening. The clothes would be perfect for
tree planting. She didn’t care enough about them to worry about how filthy they
might become.
    After a nice, hot shower she felt more alert and less sore.
Her racing mind had settled after she remembered that she’d ordered Jared never
to mention what they’d done. If he was smart, he’d follow that order, and as
long as he didn’t bring it up, she would be able to keep her business face
firmly in place.
    Once she was ready, shoulder-length blonde hair pulled back
into a messy ponytail, she left her room and headed for the motel office, where
a sign promised “Contnental Breakfast”. She shook her head at the sign.
Hopefully it would be better than the spelling.
    She’d just sat down with a cup of tea and a toasted bagel
when Jared came in. He half-staggered to the coffeepot and filled two of the
small foam cups, then carried both of them to Cassidy’s table and sat across
from her. He didn’t quite manage to look her in the eye.
    “I don’t drink coffee,” she said, refusing to react any more
strongly to his presence.
    “No kidding,” he

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