Season of Strangers

Read Season of Strangers for Free Online

Book: Read Season of Strangers for Free Online
Authors: Kat Martin
got good and hot.
    Perhaps the test Dr. Marsh was giving her this afternoon would provide the answer. A dozen horrible scenarios flashed through her mind, everything from cancer to the brain tumor the doctor had mentioned.
    She had to find out. Then again, maybe she didn’t want to know.
    Julie washed her hair, grateful for the soothing feel of the water running over her scalp. She shaved her legs, lathered her breasts and belly, then moved lower. She felt a twinge as her hand brushed sensitive flesh. It had been so long. Three years since she had been with a man.
    Not like Laura. Laura had to have a man, needed one like people need to breathe. And her sleek model’s figure and glorious long blond hair made attracting them easy. But Julie wanted more from a relationship than just a sexual fling, and if she couldn’t have it she was happy to do without.
    She stepped out of the shower and reached for a towel. Her head still throbbed and her hands were a bit unsteady, but her strength had begun to return. Maybe the headaches would disappear as quickly as they had started. She hoped so. With her worry for Laura, the problems she was facing at work, and her burgeoning expenses, she had enough problems already.
    She sighed as she walked to the closet and slid open the mirrored doors. Her beige suit would do. She wasn’t in the mood for anything but plain-and-simple. She took her time dressing. Her muscles ached and she still felt a little bit shaky. As soon as she stepped into her matching leather pumps, she made her way to the guest room in search of Laura, but her sister wasn’t there.
    The guest room looked a shambles. The bed was unmade, the sheets thrashed off haphazardly, the bright-colored quilt shoved carelessly onto the floor. Julie crossed to the closed bathroom door.
    â€œLaura, are you in there? Are you all right?”
    â€œI-I’m fine,” she answered through the door. “I’ll be out in just a minute.”
    When Laura finally appeared, Julie was stunned at the sight of her sister’s pale, haggard face, at the faint purple smudges beneath her brown eyes and the sunken hollows in her cheeks. “My God, are you sick? You should have said something.” She set her palm on Laura’s forehead, checking for any sign of temperature, but the skin felt cold and slightly damp instead of warm, as she had expected. “Get back in bed. I’ll go down and get you something to eat.”
    â€œI-I’m all right, Julie. I’m just a little tired is all.”
    â€œYou look like you’re a lot more than tired. Maybe you’ve got the flu or something.”
    â€œMaybe. That’s kind of the way it feels.” A hint of embarrassed color rose into her ashen cheeks. “I-I was bleeding this morning…from inside. It wasn’t much, just a trace or two. You don’t think it’s anything serious, do you?”
    â€œI-I don’t know. Has it happened before?”
    â€œOnly once. The morning after we suntanned in the cove on the beach.”
    â€œI think we’d better have Dr. Marsh take a look at you. I have to go in for a few more tests this afternoon. You can come with me.”
    â€œYou’re still having those headaches?”
    â€œBad one last night. I finally took some sleeping pills and eventually fell asleep. I must have slept pretty hard once I did.”
    Laura frowned. “I had a terrible dream last night. I can’t remember it now, but I remember at the time it was really scary.”
    â€œIt probably is the flu. You’d better stay here through the weekend, at least until—”
    â€œNo! I-I don’t want to stay here. As a matter of fact, I’m going home this afternoon. I’ll feel better sleeping in my own bed. That’s probably all that’s wrong with me. Too much dampness in the air.”
    â€œI don’t know, Laura. Dr. Heraldson thought staying here was a good idea. And now

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