
Read Schmerzgrenze for Free Online

Book: Read Schmerzgrenze for Free Online
Authors: Joachim Bauer
    McPherron, S.P. und Kollegen: Evidence for Stone-Tool-Assisted Consumption of Animal Tissue Before 3,39 Million Years Ago at Dikika, Ethiopia. Nature 466: 857 – 860 (2010).
    Merkel,W.W.: Feuer und Flamme. Welt am Sonntag , 28. November 2010.
    Merritt, A.C., Effron, D.A. und Monin, B.: Moral Self-Licensing: When Being Good Frees Us to Be Bad. Social and Personal Psychology Compass 3: 1 – 14 (2010).
    Messner, S.F. und Rosenfeld, R.: Crime and the American Dream. Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont CA (1993).
    Meyer-Lindenberg, A. und Kollegen: Neural Mechanisms of Genetic Risk for Impulsivity and Violence in Humans. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences USA PNAS. Doi 10.1073/pnas. 0511311103 (2005).
    Mik, H.M. und Kollegen: Serotonin System Genes and Childhood-Onset Aggression. Psychiatric Genetics 17: 11 (2007).
    Milanski, M. und Kollegen: Saturated Fatty Acids Produce an Inflammatory Response Predominantly through the Activation of TLR4 Signalling in Hypothalamus. Journal of Neuroscience 29: 359 – 370 (2009).
    Milgram, S.: Behavioral Study of Obidience. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 67: 371 – 378 (1963).
    Milgram, S.: Some Conditions of Obedience and Disobedience to Authority. Human Relations 18: 57 – 75 (1965).
    Miller, D.T. und Effron, D.A.: Psychological Licence: When It Is Needed and How It Functions. In: Experimental Social Psychology (Mark P. Zanna und James M. Olson, Hrsg.). S. 115 – 155. Elsevier, London-Amsterdam-New York (2010).
    Mitani, J.C., Watts, D.P., Amsler, S.J.: Lethal Intergroup Aggression Leads to Territorial Expansion in Wild Chimpanzees. Current Biology 20: R507-R508 (2010).
    Moffitt, T.E. und Kollegen: A Gradient of Childhood Self-Control Predicts Health,Wealth, and Public Safety. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences USA PNAS . Doi: 10.1073/pnas.1010076108 (2011).
    Moisi, D.: Kampf der Emotionen.Wie Kulturen der Angst, Demütigung und Hoffung die Weltpolitik bestimmen. DVA, München (2009).
    Moll, J. und Kollegen: The Neural Basis of Human Moral Cognition. Nature Reviews of Neuroscience 6: 799 – 809 (2005).
    Moll, J. und Kollegen: »Human Fronto-mesolimbic Networks Guide Decisions about Charitable Donation. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences USA PNAS 103: 15623 – 15628 (2006).
    Moll, J. und de Oliveira-Souza, R.: Moral Judgments, Emotions and the Utilitarian Brain. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11: 319 – 321 (2007).
    Monin, B., Sawyer, P.J. und Marquez, M.J.: The Rejection of Moral Rebels: Resenting Those Who Do the Right Thing. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 95: 76 – 93 (2008).
    Moore, S.C. und Kollegen: A Particle Model of Crowd Behavior: Exploring the Relationship Between Alcohol, Crowd Dynamics and Violence. Aggression and Violent Behavior 13: 413 – 422 (2008).
    Moore, S.C., Carter, L.M. und van Goozen, S.H.M.: Confectionary Consumption in Childhood and Adult Violence. The British Journal of Psychiatry 195: 366 – 367 (2009).
    Moore, S.C. und Foreman-Peck, J.: Alcohol Consumption Predicts Violent Victimization, Impulsive Decision Making Predicts Violence. The Open Behavioral Science Journal 3: 28 – 33 (2009).
    Murgatroyd, C. und Kollegen (aus der Arbeitsgruppe von Florian Holsboer,
Direktor des Max Planck Institutes für Psychiatrie in München): Dynamic DNA Metylation Programs Persistent Adverse Effects of Early Life Stress. Nature Reviews of Neuoscience 12: 1559 – 1566 (2009).
    Müller, T.: Warum Menschen ausrasten. Europas bekanntester Profiler, Thomas Müller, über die Psyche von Amokläufern und Bombenlegern. Interview in Die Welt , 22. August 2009.
    Nichols, S. und Knobe, J.: Moral Responsibility and Determinism: The Cognitive Science of Folk Intuitions. Nous 41: 663 – 685 (2007).
    Nowak, M.A., Tarnita, C.E., Wilson, E.O.: The Evolution of Eusociality. Nature 466:1057 – 1062 (2010).
    Pagani, L.R. und Kollegen: Prospective Associations

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