Scent of Roses

Read Scent of Roses for Free Online

Book: Read Scent of Roses for Free Online
Authors: Kat Martin
    Elizabeth leaned back in the chair. She had been doing social work since she graduated from college. She had dealt with hundreds of unusual problems, but this was a first.
    â€œJesus is different. He’s the Son of God and he isn’t haunting your house. Do you really believe there’s a ghost in your bedroom?”
    â€œThere is a ghost—or I am going to die like my mother.” She started to cry again.
    Elizabeth rose from her chair. “No, you’re not,” she said firmly, stilling Maria’s momentary lapse into tears. “You are not going to die. But just to make sure there isn’t a tumor, I’m going to arrange for a visit to the clinic. Dr. Zumwalt can do a CAT scan. If there’s anything wrong, he’ll be able to tell.”
    â€œWe do not have the money for something like that.”
    â€œThe county will take care of it, if Dr. Zumwalt thinks the test needs to be done.”
    â€œWill it hurt?”
    â€œNo. They just take a picture of the inside of your head.”
    Maria rose from her chair. “You must promise not to tell Miguel.”
    â€œI won’t tell your husband. This is just between you and me.” She could only imagine what Miguel Santiago would say if he found out his young wife had started to believe their house was haunted.
    â€œWe will go to the clinic tomorrow?”
    â€œI’ll have to make the arrangements. I’ll call you as soon as I know the date and time, then I’ll pick you up and take you there myself.”
    Maria managed an uneven smile. “Thank you.”
    â€œRaul is going to ask me if you’re all right.”
    â€œTell him I am fine.”
    Elizabeth sighed. “I’ll tell him I’m taking you in for a checkup just to be sure you’re okay.”
    She nodded and flicked a glance toward the bedroom. “Tell him not to tell Miguel.”
    Carson Harcourt drove up in front of the two-story stucco fourplex on Cherry Street, climbed out of his Mercedes and started up the walkway to apartment B. The area was quiet, the neighborhood one of the safest in town. He was only a few minutes late and he figured, at any rate, Elizabeth wouldn’t be ready when he got there.
    Women never were.
    A brisk rap on the door. He was surprised when a fully dressed Elizabeth Conners pulled it open.
    Carson’s gaze ran over her floor-length dark blue sequined gown and he found himself smiling. His spur-of-the-moment invitation to the benefit was nothing short of genius. He had noticed she was pretty, of course. He’d had a hunch, once she abandoned the boring but professional business suits she always wore, she would be far more than that.
    â€œYou look gorgeous,” he said, meaning it. She was a little taller than average and slenderly built. As he assessed her curve-hugging gown, he saw that she had nice full breasts, smooth shoulders, a small waist and well-shaped hips.
    I should have done this sooner, he chided himself.
    â€œThanks for the compliment. You look very dashing yourself, Carson.”
    He smiled. He’d always looked good in a tux. The black showed off his blond hair and blue eyes, and the single-button style set off the width of his shoulders. Too bad it was still so damned hot. He’d only been out of the air-conditioned car for a couple of minutes and already he was sweating inside the collar of his white pleated shirt.
    â€œLet’s get going. It’ll be cooler in the car.”
    Elizabeth nodded and took his arm. Carson led her toward his silver Mercedes and settled her in the passenger seat. The air conditioner blasted full force the moment he turned the electronic key in the ignition. It had been a while since he’d had time for female companionship. As he glanced over at Elizabeth, he thought that maybe it was time for that to change. He would see how well they dealt together tonight.
    The benefit was in full swing by the time they

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