Savage Urges

Read Savage Urges for Free Online

Book: Read Savage Urges for Free Online
Authors: Suzanne Wright
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Paranormal
weaknesses—including you, Makenna. Weaknesses that can be exploited.”
    It was a threat. It was also a pointless one. “Well, since my weaknesses are merely dark chocolate and thrift stores, I’m not sure how that will help you.”
    His eyes narrowed. “I’ve heard that many of Dawn’s neighbors don’t like living among a shelter for lone shifters. Think of our council . . . it wants peace above all else.”
    “Look, I don’t have much patience for the whole ‘beating around the bush’ thing. Are you going somewhere with this?”
    “I’m just pointing out that if the neighbors become more vocal about their issues, it’s very likely that trouble will occur. The shifter council won’t like that. They would shut this place down to preserve the peace.”
    “Oh, I see. You think that threatening Dawn with the big, bad council will make her ask just how high you want her to jump.” Who would have thought the stupid fucker could be so amusing? “Well, feel free to go to them. I can’t promise it’ll get you anywhere.”
    “I already have gone to them.” He pulled a folded slip of paper from his pocket.
    With a bored sigh, she opened it. It was a summons to attend a mediation meeting. The council preferred that shifters attempt to resolve their issues through mediation. If the parties didn’t reach an agreement, the disputing shifters had the council’s permission to go to war after twelve weeks. The hope was that those twelve weeks would give both parties the chance to cool down and drop their issues. In many cases, it worked. But . . . “We’re loners. We can’t go to war with you.”
    He stepped closer, eyes softening. “I don’t want us to be at war, Makenna. If you read the summons, you’ll see it states that if Dawn and I can’t reach an agreement, the matter will go before the council. They’ll then decide. Of course . . . we can just avoid all that if Dawn agrees here and now to join my pack and hand over this territory. Surely she’d prefer to be part of a pack. Wouldn’t you, Makenna? You know, you’d make a good Alpha female.”
    This time, both she and Selene snorted. Makenna’s wolf wanted to stab a claw in his fucking eye.
    He was about to speak again, but then the front door of the shelter creaked open. He smiled at Dawn, who stood in the doorway—chin up, arms folded. Madisyn was behind her, nostrils flaring, looking eager to claw Remy’s face off . . . which was no doubt why Dawn was obstructing her path.
    “Dawn,” Remy drawled. “It’s always a pleasure. I was just telling Makenna about—”
    “You’re not welcome here, Mr. Deacon.” Dawn’s voice was strong, firm. “It’s something you already know. So I’m confused as to why you’re here. But if it’s to repeat your offer, let me again say that my answer is a resounding no.”
    A muscle in his jaw ticked. “Do you have any idea what I’m offering you? My pack is large, well known, and powerful. In case you’ve forgotten, you’ve got nothing. But I’m welcoming you and your volunteers into my pack. I’m offering to give this place what it needs to keep going and to adequately protect whoever is within it. Surely you want to protect the future of the shelter and all its residents.”
    The slamming of a car door made Remy’s attention snap to a sight over Makenna’s shoulder. She would have worried it was Zac if wariness hadn’t momentarily flashed in Remy’s eyes. Ryan’s scent reached her before his body soundlessly sidled up to her, his arm brushing hers, like he belonged in her personal space. His pack mates came to a halt just behind Makenna. Huh. For them to turn up, either Zac had told them about Remy or they didn’t appreciate being made to wait longer to see Zac.
    “Well, if it isn’t the Phoenix Pack.” Remy didn’t look quite as unaffected by their presence as he sounded. The reasonably small pack of nineteen wolves had a reputation for being dangerous, particularly since

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