over him that he wasn’t sure was healthy. Luckily, he cared more for the way Liam sighed happily as he nudged one hairy, muscular thigh between two of the softest legs he’d ever felt than he ever did about healthy. “Better?”
    “Perfect.” Liam pressed a tender kiss to his sternum in thanks and shot him an amused grin. “I love when you do what I tell you.”
    “Yeah, you might have a little dominant side, huh?” Billy was only half teasing.
    “Naw, well, not like Saul or Ty.” Again those lips pursed in concentration and Billy knew he was fighting a losing battle. Before the sun rose, he would have those lips under his. “I like when you go all Billy Bear on me and hold me down with all that bulk. That’s not very dominant of me, is it?”
    Honest to whatever god might be listening, Billy swore he was trying to be good. He really was. “Dominance isn’t really a physical thing, it’s mental. Having a strong will that others recognize and defer to.”
    “You’re describing Chris, not me,” Liam corrected. “He’s way more than all that muscle.”
    “You’re actually supporting my argument.” It was very telling that Liam didn’t see him that way. Chris was a beast and at least half of that impression was the strong will that made him the dominant one in Liam’s eyes. Even Owen, who had once deferred to Billy, saw Chris as the alpha male. And since Billy was counting on Chris to keep him in line, it would be a lie to say he didn’t see Chris the way they did.
    “How so?” Liam asked and Billy really wanted to answer him. Unfortunately, Liam chose that moment to wiggle around until his balls were pressing against Billy’s thigh and the thin material of Liam’s sleep pants only proved that he’d gone commando. A man only had so much willpower. “Billy?”
    “Are you trying to drive me crazy?” Billy harsh question had Liam’s eyes darkening. Oh, right, Liam loved when he went all Billy Bear.
    “You love when I drive you crazy.” Liam knew what he wanted and he knew just how to get it from Billy. “Before you pounce, could you tell me what you meant?”
    Billy pounced first—rolling Liam onto his back, dragging his hands over his head, and covering him completely. Liam melted like it was the only place he wanted to be. That response was like a drug and Billy wanted to be hooked up to it by IV. “What I meant about what?”
    Liam grin’s was full of satisfaction. “I love when I make you stupid too.”
    “Stupid, crazy, horny, stupid...did I say stupid?” Billy asked, pressing their foreheads together. He was fucked, happily fucked. “I’m bigger than Chris.”
    This close, Billy couldn’t miss the surprise in Liam’s eyes no matter how much he might want to. Every man wanted their lover to see them as larger than life, better than all the rest, and having to point out that he was the bigger man should have pissed him off. It didn’t because he understood. Just as he understood that even though Liam had asked for clarification, the answer left Billy looking even smaller in Liam’s eyes.
    “I’m not competing with Chris, so stop looking at me like that.” Billy tried to roll away, annoyed that he’d fallen victim to the bedroom eyes and forgot how ironclad the brother bond was. “You asked me to clarify what I meant. Chris is a combination of both physical and mental strength, that’s why we defer to him. Can you unwrap your legs?”
    “Said no man ever,” Liam quipped, tightening his legs instead. “I insulted you.”
    “No, you didn’t insult me.” With any other man, Billy would have pushed himself off and not cared if he hurt the guy beneath him or not. He couldn’t do that to Liam. “You make me stupid and crazy, but you didn’t insult me. Either way, it’s late and…”
    “Billy.” Liam’s voice was firm, stilling him instantly. “Chris is everything you said, but don’t you get it? You’re the one that I want. Not like Owen wants Chris...or maybe

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