Russian's Intense Love (Drobilka Family Series #2)

Read Russian's Intense Love (Drobilka Family Series #2) for Free Online

Book: Read Russian's Intense Love (Drobilka Family Series #2) for Free Online
Authors: Leona Lee
would be there.

Chapter 7
    When Bethany arrived at the Rubicon Gentleman’s Club, she didn’t see Vadim’s car. Wondering if he was back yet, she walked inside. She hastened to the locker room to change into her uniform, expecting someone to bring her a pendant to wear. When no one came to give her one, she exited out into the main room.
    Several tables had been pushed together, and there were at least twenty men sitting around chatting. A large buffet had been set up to the side. Walking to the bar, she checked in with Sasha, who looked as tired as she felt. “Long night?” she asked the bartender as she retrieved her tablet from the docking station.
    “Long several nights,” Sasha answered with a sigh. “When Vadim isn’t here, they work us harder.”
    Nodding her head in agreement, Bethany turned and approached the table. The conversation paused as she hesitantly began taking drink orders in English. When she got to Vadim’s second, he began speaking to her in Russian, and soon the atmosphere at the table lightened up as she quickly filled the orders and brought plates with appetizers to pass around.
    The party continued for the next four hours as Bethany did her best to keep tabs on the different discussions. As things wound down, she helped bus the tables, and she and Sasha put the section back together before heading to the locker room to change into their street clothes.
    As she was about to push the door open, Vadim’s second stopped her. “Don’t bother changing into your street clothes,” he called out from the office.
    Turning to look at him, “But Vadim never expects us to work a second shift.”
    “Vadim is not here, and you will either work or you are fired. Your choice,” he barked out before returning to the office.
    Sighing heavily, she walked into the locker room and sat down on the bench. Sasha was sprawled out on another bench with her feet propped against the lockers.
    “Is it always like this when Vadim isn’t here?” Bethany asked her.
    “Oh yeah,” Sasha replied.
    “Does Vadim know?”
    “What can he do?”
    “Doesn’t he own this club?”
    “Part owner. Yes. But when he isn’t here, Boris likes to pull power trips that he would never do in front of him.”
    Shaking her head, Bethany stretched out on the bench and put her feet up, hoping to get some rest before her next shift. She had almost fallen asleep when the activity in the locker room increased as the other girls came in to change into their uniforms. Bethany sat up slowly before walking into the bathroom to find Sasha snorting something into her nose.
    Sasha looked at her as she wiped her nose. “Don’t look so shocked. How do you think I manage to put in so many hours? If you need something to get you through the night, let me know,” she told her as she left.
    Shaking her head, Bethany splashed cold water on her face before reapplying her makeup and brushing out her hair. Satisfied that she looked as good as possible, she went back out onto the floor. Heading to her station, she could see she had two large parties already in full swing. This was going to be a long night.
    The next two nights were equally as busy and completely unhelpful to her case, as she hustled around to her different tables. She could have sworn that Boris was giving her a heavier workload, as it didn’t seem as if some of the other servers were working as hard. And what was worse was that she was earning twice what she was bringing in as a newbie agent.
    Ever since she was a child and her mother had married her stepfather, she had learned to conserve and save wherever possible. Whether it was hiding extra food in the event she or her brother were sent to bed without supper or saving any money she earned, living a minimalist lifestyle that bordered on the pathological kept things simple and her expenses low. While she could have afforded rent in a better neighborhood, the majority of her neighbors turned a blind eye to anything that was

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