Ruined #5 (The MC Motorcycle Club Romance Series - Book #5)

Read Ruined #5 (The MC Motorcycle Club Romance Series - Book #5) for Free Online

Book: Read Ruined #5 (The MC Motorcycle Club Romance Series - Book #5) for Free Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
rust colored long sleeve shirt. The way it fit him made me want to take off the wrapper and get to the candy.
    His blue jeans looked brand new and fit just as
nice. He had on a pair of brown boots and when he got closer and I stepped out
of the car, I swear I could see his green eyes glitter in the moonlight. I’d
known Dax for quite a few years, and it still never failed to amaze me how just
the sight of him could take my breath away.
    “Wow,” he said when he saw me. I had used most of my
paycheck to buy a new outfit for that night and after I saw the look in his
eyes, I was glad I did. I was wearing a green dress
that was made out of clingy material. The neckline was cut low enough to be sexy but not low enough to reach the slut level and the same
with the bottom hem, only the opposite. It fell to the tops of my thighs but it
covered everything that I didn’t want to share with just anyone.
    I had also bought a new pair of boots. They were tan
and came up to just below my knee. They were super soft leather and super
expensive, but once I tried them on, I was hooked. They had a two-inch heel on
them so they gave me a little bit of height but I could still walk a straight
line in them. I had left my hair down and curled it just on the ends so it lay
softly across my shoulders and back.
    “Thank you,” I said. “Wow yourself.” He grinned and
bowed slightly at the waist. Then he took my hands and pulled me in close and
kissed me. It was another thing about him that always took my breath away. When
we broke the kiss it took me a full minute to even remember my own name, every
single time.
    “You ready?” he asked. I still couldn’t really
speak, so I nodded. He got in the passenger seat and I drove.
    “Are you feeling okay?” I asked him.
    “Good as new,” he said.
    “Really, new?”
    “Okay, day old, but I’m getting there. I only took
two Ibuprofens all day and I can walk upright. I’m wearing the girdle thingy
they gave me though so don’t judge.”
    “I’ll try not to,” I told him and we both laughed.
    When we got to the restaurant, I parked and he said,
“Before we go in, I just wanted to clarify the rules of the date.”
    “There are rules?” I asked, amused.
    “Oh yeah, there are rules. First
of all , this is a date. I am the man. I open doors, I pay for drinks and
meals, and I lead on the dance floor. Second of all, no talking about any drama
    I giggled and said, “So what will we talk about?”
    “I thought of that,” he said. “I made a mental list
of things.”
    “They don’t all involve sex, do they?”
    “No, I can think of other things to talk about,
thank you very much.”
    “Of course you can,” I told him. “Can we go in now,
I’m hungry?”
    “Okay, but don’t touch that door, I’ll be right
there.” I felt kind of silly sitting there waiting for him to open the door but
it made him happy. He pulled it open and took my hand, making me feel like a
VIP as he gently helped me step out. Then he closed it and held my hand on the
way into the restaurant. He had thought to call ahead for reservations, so we were shown right to our table. When the waitress came to
take our drink orders, she lit a candle in the middle of the table. It was really nice and it reminded me of old times, good times.
    After she brought our drinks Dax asked, “How was
work today?”
    “It was good. My uncle wants me to start learning
about mechanics and modifications.”
    Dax looked at me funny and asked, “Do you want to do
that? Work on bikes?”
    I laughed. “No, I was actually thinking about being
a nurse.”
    “Really? That would be cool. Have you checked on
programs yet or anything?”
    “Well, I never got a chance to tell you when things
got so crazy, but I’ve already been accepted for the fall semester. I got
financial aid too.”
    “That’s fantastic,” he said. “I’m so proud of you.”
    “I’m relieved. We had just got each other back and I
was afraid that

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