Rosarito Beach

Read Rosarito Beach for Free Online

Book: Read Rosarito Beach for Free Online
Authors: M. A. Lawson
Tags: thriller
anywhere and you’re not going to kill her. I have men pointing rifles at you. If you kill her, they’ll kill you.”
    As she said this she continued to walk toward him, her gun pointed down at the ground.
    â€œBack off, bitch,” Tito said. “I’m not bluffing.”
    â€œI’m not bluffing, either,” Kay said. “You kill her, we kill you.”
    She continued to walk toward Tito.
    Then María Delgato sealed her own fate. She screamed, “Kay, what are you doing? He’s going to kill me!” Kay heard Tito say, “What? You know this bitch?” Then to Kay he said, “Stay back. I’m telling you, I’m going to kill her.”
    Kay kept moving forward. When she was three feet from him, she raised her gun and pointed it at his head. Tito just stood there, not knowing what to do, then Kay took one more stride and placed the muzzle of her gun against the center of his forehead.
    â€œDrop the gun, you moron.”

    T ito and María were both handcuffed. Tito was placed in the hostage negotiator’s car and María in the front passenger seat of the surveillance van.
    From this point forward, Kay didn’t really care what happened to the three men inside the bar. They couldn’t shoot through the glass brick windows, so if they wanted a fight, they’d have to come outside and her guys would kill them. She didn’t think that would happen, however. She figured that after a couple of hours, Tito’s men would give up—but whether they did or not didn’t matter to her.
    Kay already had what she wanted: She had Tito Olivera and a witness who’d seen him kill Cadillac Washington.
    Kay had to do two things right away. First, she had to get Tito to a jail as fast as possible. The San Diego cops would arrive on the scene in a few minutes to provide crowd control, and Kay figured the TV guys would show up five minutes later. When the cameras arrived, it wouldn’t be long before Caesar Olivera found out that his little brother had been arrested, and when he did, he just might order a hundred gangbangers into the area to try to free Tito. So Kay wanted Tito out of Logan Heights immediately, and she was personally going to make sure that he made it to jail.
    The second thing she had to do was get María Delgato out of San Diego.
    She told Jackson to turn off the cell phone jammer for exactly thirty seconds and made a call to one of the agents who would be transporting María. She then used her throat mic to call Conroy, the agent in charge of the team guarding the back of the bar, and told him he was coming with her to transport Tito to the Metropolitan Correctional Center. “Bring your M16,” she said. Unlike Wilson, Conroy was a guy who followed her orders without questioning every decision she made.
    Wilson immediately came running over to Kay. “Are you leaving the scene with those guys still in there?”
    â€œYeah, and until I get back you’re in charge. That should make you happy. The San Diego cops will be here pretty soon, and they’ll give you a hand if you need it.”
    â€œYou shouldn’t be leaving the scene,” Wilson said.
    â€œI don’t have time to argue with you, Wilson. Just do what I tell you.”
    Kay walked over to the hostage negotiator. He was a tall man in his forties with narrow shoulders and thinning blond hair. He looked like a nice, easygoing, laid-back guy—probably a prerequisite to being a hostage negotiator. He’d made no attempt to contact the men inside the bar yet; he wanted to give them a little more time to think things over before he did.
    â€œI’m taking your car,” Kay told him. “I’m taking Tito to jail.”
    â€œOkay,” the negotiator said.
    Kay went to the surveillance van next, where María Delgato was waiting.
    As soon as Kay opened the door, María began to curse at her in Spanish. Kay, who was completely

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