Romancing the Storm: Second Chances

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Book: Read Romancing the Storm: Second Chances for Free Online
Authors: Alana Hart, Alana Claire
boat arrives, a ski boat with a captain and another man. "Hello, I'm Neil Capers, I'll be instructing and helping with the sail," Neil Capers says and shakes our hands after the introductions.
    "We're sailing?" I ask looking from Judah to Mr. Capers.
    "Parasailing," Neil says. "And perfect time with the storm brewing there's some good winds for this."
    My eyes grow wide as Judah helps me onto the boat. "Parasailing as in skiing with a parachute and lifting off?"
    "You got it, babe," Judah says with a wink. He's such an adrenalin junkie and wants me to come along for his satisfaction.
    "Okay, let me explain how its done," Neil says and we listen to his instructions on proper parasailing techniques. It all happens so fast I don't have time to protest or refuse. Judah has already paid for this adventure and its set.
    "The best thing is we can experience this together! So I'll be right there with you," Judah says. I can't help but smile at this. I'm a big chicken when it comes to anything heights but doing it with someone sounds fantastic.
    After the instruction, we set up by sitting in the harness side-by-side. Judah grins at me as we latch ourselves in place. Judah reaches over and squeezes my hand.
    "Ready?" Neil asks. We nod and I squeal as the captain gives gas to the boat causing it to glide faster over the choppy waves. We lift off gently, and I withdraw my hand from Judah and squeeze the harness lines.
    "Oh, Judah! I can't believe you have me doing this! Wheeee," I yell.
    Judah throws his head back laughing. "Yeah!" he yells at the thrill of it. We soar high as the boat heads out to sea. We can see other ships and parasailers in the distance. The wind whips around us, the air a little cooler than I expected. The exhiliration swirls around me and after a few moments I settle into the seat and enjoy the thrilling ride.
    "Look over there," Judah yells. I follow where he points and see dolphins jumping through the waves.
    "That is so cool," I exclaim as we turn and the captain takes us around the island. The water is exceptionally choppy and the boat bounces along as we travel toward the mainland and head farther south. The air warms a bit as the sun comes out entirely, the small clouds parting.
    We turn and head back to our little-deserted island and Neil waves to us as the lines shorten, and we come back to the boat for our return. "Oh my, that was so fun. I'd love to do it again," I say to Judah.
    "See? If it weren't for me you'd be sitting back in Kentucky moping about the house," Judah says giving me a sheepish grin.
    The captain steers the boat back to the dock and lets us off. "Be careful out here. There's a storm brewing in the Gulf, and they think it might turn and come up the eastern seaboard. If it does the island keeper should send a boat for you before it lands," the captain says.
    "Storm? Like a hurricane or a tropical storm?" I ask.
    "I believe it's upgraded to a hurricane. This area is in the projected path, but it might turn and go west, so we're in the clear here. Don't worry; they'll get you off the island if it does turn this way."
    "Okay, thank you," Judah says and we back up as the boat leaves for the mainland.
    "Why haven't we heard about this storm before now?" I ask as I look up at the sky. It looks innocent enough; the occasional white cotton puff floating by but mostly blue. The water is choppy, though, and that's disconcerting. The wind picks up more than normal, blowing in nice briny warmth.
    "The island's owner is supposed to alert us to storms. So if he doesn't come by then we'll be okay," Judah says as he turns to head back to the hut. "I'm famished. Let's barbecue some burgers."
    I follow along. "That sounds great," I say but still the weather worries me.

Chapter Ten
    I wake up to the sound of Judah messing around in the kitchen. "What's ya doing?" I say as I yawn and stretch.
    "Today we're going to trek to the other side of the island only this time I'm packing a picnic lunch. We'll travel

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