Rise of the Blood

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Book: Read Rise of the Blood for Free Online
Authors: Lucienne Diver
Tags: Speculative Fiction
calm?” I asked.
    He brought my hand to his chest, and I could feel that his heart had picked up all the beats mine had dropped. It was going double time.
    “I’m not calm. I’m confident. The way your luck runs, you will not die before I get to see you in a puke-green bridesmaid’s gown. And take pictures. And hang them up around the precinct.”
    That surprised a laugh out of me, and I felt the vice grip around my heart begin to ease.
    “You’re right,” I answered.
    His smile got even bigger. “Can I get that in writing?”
    “Now that really would be the end of the world.”
    This kind of moment, this banter, was exactly why I’d fallen for him to begin with.
    “You still want that vodka?” Jesus asked, watching Nick and I have our moment.
    “No, I’m good,” I heard myself answer.
    “More for me.”
    Nick and I smiled like fond parents half an hour later when Jesus fell fast asleep like a child who’d tuckered himself out. He snored softly, and his head lolled onto my shoulder. If there was drool, I’d never let him live it down.
    I didn’t sleep. By the fifth hour, it was glaringly apparent that wouldn’t change any time soon. I didn’t know if it was the ambrosia heightening all my senses or my new oversensitivity that made every single air current feel like a death sentence. I’d become the princess and the pea, only with the outside air my mattress and the deceptively fluffy clouds pillows waiting to smother me. Paranoia was a symptom of ambrosia withdrawal . It wasn’t supposed to happen when I was dosed, which I’d made sure of before leaving the apartment. Maybe all that fear-fueled adrenaline had rushed it through my body faster than normal. If so, it was a terrifying thought. I’d need to find a new supply when we landed in Greece. I only had one contact there who could get me what I needed…and I hadn’t seen him since our crash landing when he and Serena had been whisked away to, I presumed, some kind of VIP lounge where they were pampered and placated. I had his number, but he’d pointed out recently and rightly that I only used it when I needed something—when it was convenient for me—and then I pushed him away again. I’d never been a user…before ambrosia. I didn’t want to become one now. I needed to quit it, regardless of the possibility of deadly withdrawal, but there was always a reason it was a bad time. I was in the middle of a case; my uncle had been taken by a killer cult; my cousin was getting married…
    I didn’t want to go through the shakes, distraction, sweats, cramps and fainting spells I knew would come in front of my family. I was already the black sheep. I didn’t want to become the pariah.
    After, I swore to myself. After Zeus and Poseidon were safely recaptured and Tina married off. Then…
    In the meantime, I did have another god on speed-dial. If I got desperate… Desperate enough to become further indebted to the trickster god? Willingly? The conviction that I wasn’t an addict was getting harder and harder to maintain. I had to be going through withdrawal to even consider such idiocy.
    “Go ’sleep,” Nick murmured when I’d shifted for the one zillionth time since takeoff. Fidgety, unfocused, barely able to sit in my seat…yeah, I recognized the symptoms. Maybe I hadn’t taken enough ambrosia to hold me over. Maybe I was building up a tolerance.
    “Sorry,” I whispered back, endeavoring to be still.
    If I wasn’t careful, this ambrosia addiction might kill me and save the greater gods the trouble.
    We had a three-hour layover in New York. I was dead tired by the time we got there and yet wired, as though if anyone touched me, I’d flare up and short out. It was a fragile feeling that I didn’t like one bit.
    After an internal slugfest between my id and my ego, I decided on an over-the-counter sleep aid for the nine-hour flight from New York to Athens. I’d already been up for almost twenty-four hours at that point, and I knew that

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