Revive Me (Say Something Book 3)

Read Revive Me (Say Something Book 3) for Free Online

Book: Read Revive Me (Say Something Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Salice Rodgers
helps to say it.
    The ride back home is both quiet and relaxing as Joslynn and I feel like neither of us has to say anything more than what we said beside the water. When Joslynn drops me off, I walk into the quiet house and take a shower and plan dinner for the night. Trevor was so amazing with his proposal I want to surprise him with a dinner to show him how excited I am to carry his last name finally.
    Once I am dried off and dressed I walk to the kitchen and click the radio on. The sound of the music and the smell of the food is soothing after a long day. Not long after I pull the chicken from the oven Trevor walks in.
    “Hey, baby, hungry?” I ask smiling.
    He walks to me and wraps his arms around me. I lean my head back and kiss him. His arms tighten around me and he deepens the kiss.
    “Mmmm coming home to you is like walking into heaven.” He leans in to kiss me again.
    My stomach rumbles and we both laugh. He lets me go and I fill our plates.
    “How was your day?” I ask after eating in silence for a few minutes.
    “It was good. Yours?” I leave out all of the wedding shopping and me getting sick again.
    He looks to me and waits like he already knows and I curse Joslynn and her big mouth.
    “You know we don’t have to have a huge wedding just something simple will be fine. At the end all I want is to be able to say you are my wife,” he tells me.
    “So I can just wear my pajamas?” I ask giggling.
    “Sure!” he snickers.
    We eat the rest of dinner with small talk about the day at the shop and wedding plans. It’s so much easier to plan it now that I know what he wants and how things can go.
    “I stopped by the restaurant on my way home – things are coming along really well. I think you and Joslynn will be up and going by the end of next month.” Trevor fills me in.
    I smile and bounce in my seat. “I can’t wait.”
    Trevor takes both of our plates to the sink and walks back to me and holds out his hand. The feeling of his hand wrapped around mine is the best feeling in the world. He leads us to the living room to the couch. The day has been so exhausting that as soon as I am laying in his arms my eyes grow heavy. The sound of his heartbeat and the movement of his chest is enough to pull me in to a deep sleep.
    I wake as soon as the sun starts to shine through the windows of the living room. Trevor and I both fell asleep on the couch. My body is stiff as I stretch out and moan. His phone starts to ring and he lifts his hips pulling it out of his pocket. As soon as he moves my stomach rolls, and I have to jump up and run to the bathroom.
    Just like each time before as soon as I make it in the door I fall to the floor and lean over – expelling everything from the night before. I can feel Trevor behind me before I turn my head and look in his direction the phone still to his ear.
    “Yeah, she’s fine. I’ll let her know.” He hangs up his phone and lays it on the counter handing me a wet rag.
    My whole body feels sticky and wet with sweat.
    “How many times does that make you getting sick, baby?” he asks taking the rag and turning on the water in the bathtub.
    I close my eyes and lean back against the wall not being able to find the energy to move any further.
    He leans in, slips my shirt over my head – throwing it to the floor – and lifts me up to take off my pants and socks. When he has removed all of my clothes, he lifts me up and sets me in the water.
    “I am calling the doctor.”
    “No, babe, it’s probably nothing, just a cold or something.”
    He shakes his head and walks out the door grabbing his phone on the way. I know that there is no point arguing with him. Once he has his mind set to do something he will do it and nothing will stop him. So I just lay my head against the back of the tub.
    “You go in tomorrow,” he informs me while walking back in to the bathroom.
    “How the hell did you get an appointment that fast? Never mind

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