Rescued (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 1)

Read Rescued (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Rescued (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Stephanie St. Klaire
other. The idea of breaking their morning routine at Baker’s and not seeing him for the day, actually disappointed her. Before she could stop herself, she had asked Dawson to meet her for lunch in the Pavilion, at the park.
    It still wasn’t a date, no, she didn’t date, but a lunch companion is always nice. Sam liked Dawson, in a friends who have coffee after work every single day and lunch when breakfast isn’t in the schedule, kind of way. Friends held hands, and she liked how his big calloused hand felt, wrapped around hers. She wondered where they would feel elsewhere.
    That was all she was capable of having with a man, it was all she had room for, and all she was willing to let in. Friends. He was something to be looked at, there was no question there, he was what every good author wanted on the cover of their sexy books. Yes, Dawson was sex, the kind that sells! A lot! So she would stick to having a really smoking hot, sexy friend.
    Sam found that he was more than just inspiration when she broke out her battery operated best friend. There was much more to this man, the real Dawson was showing his true colors more and more, and she was enjoying him. It wasn’t just those rippling muscles that hid beneath those t-shirts of his, or how amazing his ass looked in those navy cargo pants he wore for work, or how they squeezed his thighs that made her burn and have to sit sideways, sending her mind straight to the gutter where she could hang out for days.
    She wanted to squeeze his ass, and a few other things, how he didn’t burn a smoldering hole through the seat of his pants was beyond her. Speaking of ass and thighs, he would fit well between her own thighs. What on earth was she doing, fantasizing in the middle of a busy family friendly park, holding Mr. Hot Pants’ hand while picturing him between her thighs. She needed to get a grip, or a really cold glass of ice water to dump in her lap. There was more to Dawson. Sure he made her tingle everywhere, but he gave her sweet butterflies too.
    Dawson wasn’t a commitment guy. The only commitment he made was to keep his late night callers private. He hadn’t had any late night company since that first morning at Baker’s with Sam. He was a virile man with manly needs, but just couldn’t seem to find interest anywhere but with Sam. It felt wrong to even consider a midnight romp with anyone else, like he was betraying something between them. This was new territory for him, territory he vowed to never explore again, a decade ago. Your heart can’t break if it isn’t invested anywhere, but somehow his heart had forgotten all the rules, so he made a temporary deal with himself to just live in the moment…to see where this goes.
    He wanted more from her, to know her, not just her body, but her , to figure her out. Where did that sass and hard exterior come from, what happened to her to make her so invigorating, yet guarded? He didn’t understand his new desire that was Sam, she was a menace with his emotions. He liked who he was around her, she drudged up old feelings and new ones he didn’t yet understand, he enjoyed how easy she was to be around.
    Conversations were easy and she wasn’t impressed by all that charm he laid on, she didn’t buy it for a second, which he liked, he could just be him; she wanted nothing more or less. She was starting to find him just as interesting, as he found her, he thought. She actually invited him to lunch today, and it was Sam that had determined their mornings at Baker’s were a regular thing rather than occasional, only if there’s time. The more he got from her, the more he wanted, and the more he looked forward to having.
    A date. He was going to do it, the unthinkable, he was going to ask her on a real date. Not a cup of coffee and apple fritter with half the town, or corn dogs in the park with the squirrels, where they would talk about a mysterious horse hobby, but a real date. Dawson was consistent with his convictions,

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