Reckless Hours: a Romantic Suspense novel (Heroes of Providence Book 3)

Read Reckless Hours: a Romantic Suspense novel (Heroes of Providence Book 3) for Free Online

Book: Read Reckless Hours: a Romantic Suspense novel (Heroes of Providence Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Lisa Mondello
Tags: thriller, Romance, romantic suspense, Kidnapping, clean romance, mystery and romance
    “No, I’ve never met Serena Davco,” he said evenly, then took a sip of his coffee.
    She sighed, seeming as frustrated as he was about that fact.
    If she was determined to play this game, then he’d play along with her, earn her trust. Cash wasn’t a man to just go off blindly chasing a pretty face. He’d been secretive about his relationship with Serena, and maybe that was a game they’d both played. But it was going to end here.
    He put the coffee cup down on the table and stifled the growing disappointment that enveloped him once again. It hurt Dylan more than he wanted to admit that his brother hadn’t confided in him about something so important until the very end. Until it was too late. He could have helped Cash, if only Dylan had known the truth.
    Maybe this woman had her reasons for not wanting to confess to being Serena Davco in public. Dylan wanted to learn all about those reasons, because he was sure they were at the root of his brother’s disappearance.
    Tammie put the picture down. “When was this taken?”
    “I have no idea. But it was the only one I found in my brother’s apartment after he vanished.”
    “Vanished? You haven’t heard from him at all?”
    “No. It’s been several months, and that’s not like him. He’s always been very close to me and our sister. He would check in with the family at least once a month even when…”
    He stopped himself from saying too much. Cash was secretive about some things but only because he worked undercover for the DEA. But these days, even that was something Dylan questioned.
    “Even when what?”
    Dylan held back details. “When he was working on a big project.”
    He squashed the guilt that had been eating at him ever since he made the decision to leave the Marines and come back stateside. He’d been ready to re-enlist after a twelve year span in the military in a position that had been exciting and rewarding.
    But then his kid sister Sonia had phoned him in Indonesia to tell him Cash was acting strange and he should think about not re-enlisting. She’d said it’d be better for him to come back to the States. For good.
    Sonny didn’t make requests like that. As beautiful as she was, Sonny was a nose-to-the-books computer geek and never cared much for his or Cash’s sense of adventure. But her message was clear. Come home.
    He’d ripped up his re-enlistment papers and submitted new paperwork to retire permanently from the Marines. As difficult as it was to leave what he loved doing, he hadn’t looked back. His family needed him.
    Tammi e nodded, and nibbled on her bottom lip. “I think it’s time to go to this mansion where you say Serena Davco lives and see what she has to say. Do you know where the mansion is?”
    Dylan tossed a ten-dollar bill on top of the check the waitress had left in front of him. “Follow me.”
    Less than fifteen minutes later, they pulled up in front of 322 Riverview Road. Dylan had kept a close watch on the car as it drove behind him, making sure the woman didn’t try to ditch him by turning down one of the many winding country roads in these parts. He’d been caught on a few of them by accident these last few weeks.
    With a quick breath, he pushed the car door open and climbed outside. She was still sitting in her car, just staring at the mansion, which must have been grand at one time, but now looked like something out of a gothic movie. The brick walkway leading to the front steps was starting to crumble and was covered with moss. Although the flowers were well tended to and the shrubs were trimmed, the wooden gate and the siding on the main dwelling were in serious need of a several cans of paint. The curtains were drawn. They always were on the days he’d stood outside, trying to get in. His curiosity had him wondering if it was to keep people from looking in or keep whoever was inside from seeing what was out here.
    He’d never seen anyone come or go from the house. But hadn’t done surveillance

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