Rainbow Hill

Read Rainbow Hill for Free Online

Book: Read Rainbow Hill for Free Online
Authors: Alex Carreras
Tags: gay romance
complain? This is not me complaining. I like your pretty, black truck. I see them lined up at the preschool each morning, shopping bags piled so high they can’t see through the rear windows.” Quinn shifted, resting his weight on one leg. “They’re very rugged. They’d have to be, carrying all those kids and bags and stuff.”
    Forgetting about his limp, Ethan marched past Quinn toward the outside. “Do I need to bring a towel to wipe off your seat?” he threw over his shoulder. “These khakis are dry-clean only, and I don’t want to risk using any dry cleaners in Jefferson. They’d probably come back two sizes smaller and a totally different color.”
    “Consider your pants safe.” Quinn’s long strides overtook Ethan’s. “And thankfully so is Mary Jane. She owns the one and only dry cleaner in town, and she’s a nice lady and not used to being mistreated by snobs like you, so by all means keep those pants spotless.”
    Ethan refused to respond to Quinn’s barbed comment. He stopped at Quinn’s Ford truck and waited for Quinn to hit the key fob to unlock the door.
    “I don’t lock so you can hop in.”
    Ethan opened the door, impressed with every dirt-free surface. Admittedly, it had been a long time since he’d been in a real truck, but this certainly didn’t resemble a farm vehicle from his youth. Instead, the interior of a well-maintained and handsome cab resembled that of a Cadillac’s.
    Sliding into the driver’s seat, Quinn turned over the engine. “Does it pass muster?”
    “Just drive.”
    Ethan saw the corners of Quinn’s full and sexy lips curve upward, the same lips he kept imagining kissing. “This thing has air conditioning, right?”
    Quinn chuckled and turned the air to arctic. “Our old doctor is still in practice, would you like me to swing by so he can give you the once over? Probably be a good thing since we’re going to be too busy for anything else later.”
    “I had a physical last month, and I’m fine.” Ethan readjusted the air vents. “Better than fine. Perfect, even.”
    “I can see that.”
    Ethan’s heart stopped. No doubt about it. He ran his hand over his chest just to make sure that he was still alive. “What did you say?”
    “I can see that you take care of yourself. Maybe your internal thermostat runs on the hot side, but other than that, you look great.”
    “Thanks.” He paused, struggling to find the words to return the compliment. All he could come up with was a very feeble “You do, too.”
    “Do you mind if I ask a personal question?”
    Ethan kept his eyes peeled on the road. He was vaguely aware of greenery rushing by. “Go ahead.”
    “Won’t your boyfriend miss you? Or will you invite him to the farm on the weekends?” Quinn shot Ethan a sideways glance. “Maybe he could help?”
    “I-I-I don’t think he… that Randall… would like it out here. At the farm.” Ethan clarified. “He’s a city boy through and through and hates anything remotely resembling countryside.”
    “He sounds like one hell of a guy. Is that why you two are together, your extreme hatred of wide open spaces and fresh clean air?”
    “I don’t hate fresh air and wide open spaces,” Ethan returned. “I just don’t happen to like the smell of cow poop on a hot summer’s day. And I’m sure I’m not the only one.”
    “There’s a whole lot of questionable smells in the city too.”
    Ethan couldn’t argue with that.
    They drove over the curving country roads, listening to a country music station, Ethan’s thoughts swirling. He wanted to ask Quinn if he remembered that kiss they shared senior year during the homecoming football game. Normally Ethan didn’t attend sporting events, but Nikki had insisted due to her raging hormones for the quarterback, Noah Shelton. He couldn’t blame her; Noah had an amazing throw accompanied by an amazing backside. Unfortunately for Nikki, Noah had a girlfriend and was the president of the God Squad and didn’t

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