
Read Pulse for Free Online

Book: Read Pulse for Free Online
Authors: Rhea Wilde
for myself.
    “Where are we headed?” I asked. “New club?”
    “No, the same one.”
    “The same club? Danica, we were there just two nights ago.”
    “Right. But it’s different. It’s Saturday. It’s going to be a different crowd.”
    “How was George, by the way? I don’t really remember what happened after that.”
    Danica turned and looked at me. She shrugged her shoulders and made a sour face.
    “Well, hopefully we do see a different crowd tonight,” I laughed.
    It was clear that Danica wasn’t interested in another run-in with George. When the club came into view, I was immediately reminded of the man who had left me dangling on the edge of a cliff. I knew that I was looking for a good time but another part of me wanted it to be with him. I still remembered what he looked like. The way his ass fit in his jeans. The way his shirt draped his muscular frame. The way his light brown eyes were so striking. The way his cock felt in my…
    I jerked my head toward my friend.
    “Are you all right?”
    “What? Of course. What kind of question is that?”
    “Well, are you going to get out of the car now?”
    I looked around and realized that she had already parked. I was so lost in my memory that I didn’t even know what was going on.
    “Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked me as I got out of the car.
    “I’m fine. I was just thinking.”
    “About what?”
    “About how much fun we’re going to have tonight.”
    “That’s what I like to hear. How does it feel to be a college graduate? Maybe you can use that on one of these poor saps. You’re some poor college grad eager for some cock.”
    “Danica! I’m not some poor, desperate college grad. And I haven’t graduated yet. I’ve still got… 20 hours or so.”
    “Well, then you’d better hurry up. This might be the last dick you get as a college student.”
    I rolled my eyes at my friend and we laughed at one another. I felt a little more like I belonged now that I was wearing a nicer outfit. Danica still outdid me in the black silk number she was wearing. Her skirt was a little shorter and her breasts were definitely bigger. This wasn’t a competition though. I was excited about meeting someone special tonight.
    The familiarity of the club washed over me as soon as we stepped inside. The lights, the music, even the way the people moved felt so familiar. We headed toward the bar to get ourselves a drink when a man immediately took notice of my friend. I didn’t hear what line he used on her but it was enough to get Danica interested.
    I suddenly found myself alone at the bar once again. I didn’t mind though. It was a Saturday night and there were more than enough people to go around. I managed to catch the eye of a few good-looking men. Maybe it was the outfit. Maybe it was the vibe of a college graduate I was giving off. I leaned up against the bar and waited for one of them to approach me. One of them finally worked up the nerve to say something to me.
    “Hi,” the young-looking man said. “My name’s Blake.”
    “Hello, Blake. I’m Alice.”
    “Alice. It’s nice to meet you. How are you liking this new club so far? Is it your first time in here?”
    “Not my first time, no. But it’s a nice place. A really nice place.”
    Blake had short, curly blond hair. His outfit didn’t stand out too much, his shirt and slacks just as clean as the next man’s. He winked at me and I grinned back at him. I suppose I could do worse.
    “So, what do you say you and I have some fun?” he asked me.
    “What did you have in mind?” I said as I took a sip of my drink.
    “How about a dance?”
    “That sounds like—”
    I turned my head to the side and saw someone standing at the other end of the bar. I blinked a few times because I wasn’t sure I was seeing him correctly.
    Is that…
    The man standing across the bar stared at me. Our eyes met and I immediately realized it was him. It was the same man I had met just

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