Proposition Book 1, EROS INC.

Read Proposition Book 1, EROS INC. for Free Online

Book: Read Proposition Book 1, EROS INC. for Free Online
Authors: Unknown, Mia Moore
Tags: Sex, BDSM, threesome, Erotic, Prostitution
her narrow
shoulders he turned her to face me.
    “This is Cerise Morgan. She will be the new manager of Eros
Inc. Cerise, this is Lotus who has been the acting manager up until now.”
    I watched as the welcoming smile dropped from her face. For
just a second there was a flash of anger in her dark eyes before she composed
herself and stepped forward to shake my hand. I managed a smile, while noticing
the short brocade dress, the bare skin above her breasts topped with a fabric
collar. Yeah, she had great legs in the stiletto heels but a little flat in the
chest. Not nearly as endowed as me, which made me feel better.
    “Pleased to meet you Cerise. But you seem so young to have
experience in managing a club like this. You must have an excellent business
background and credentials.” Her smile was sweet despite the icy malice of her
    She was about five years older than me. I could tell she
resented the hell out of me coming in, a newbie, no experience and her new boss.
“My major wasn’t in business. However I graduated Magna Cum Laude. I’m sure
I’ll be able to learn the operations quickly with your help, of course.”
    “I am going to leave Cerise’s orientation to you Lotus. I
want to show her the apartment. You’ve had housekeeping freshen it up, I
presume?” Nick placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me out of the
wide marble entranceway, past a set of curved oak stair to the far wall where I
noticed the doors of an elevator.
    While we waited for it to descend I turned slowly taking in
the high ceilings, the sparkling crystal chandelier and gleaming woodwork. This
place was a palace.
    There was a ding as the elevator arrived and we entered. No
sooner were we inside that Nick’s arms were around me pushing me against the
mirrored wall. His hand ran up my thigh pushing my dress up, curving in to cup
my pussy. He slipped a finger between my cleft. I gasped when it circled my
clit and sighed when he pushed two fingers deep inside me. I opened my legs and
raised my leg pulling him into me. His cock was hard again, rubbing the
softness of my inner thigh. His lips were hot on mine, tongue rough thrusting
into my mouth.
    The elevator door opened and we slowly separated. Did my
eyes show the disappointment and lust that his did? We stepped out onto deep
burgundy plush carpeting in a hallway. Directly across from us was a dark
wooden door. I watched Nick fish in his pocket for something and then slide a
key into the lock. He pushed the door open and raised his arm to stop me from
    A giggle escaped my mouth when his arms scooped around my
thighs and back, lifting me if the air, holding me tight to his body. He walked
into the room carrying me and slammed the door shut behind him. I glanced
around as he carried me across the room through another doorway. Ahhh…a king
sized bed with a rose colored satin spread.
    He set my feet down on the floor and his hands grasped the
hem of my dress pulling it up and over my head. I shivered standing before him
wearing only a bra and stay up stockings. His fingers reached behind me and
unhooked the bra. He ripped it from my arms.
    “Bend over the bed.” His voice was a growl.
    Granite eyes in a face drawn taut bored through me before I
turned and did as he asked. Oh god, that commanding look in a stern face made
my knees weak. My fingers clutched the cool satin in my fists, elbows resting
on the bed, as my ass was exposed naked and waiting. I couldn’t wait to get
that beautiful cock inside me. Hurry I pleaded in my head.
    There was a whisking sound like a leather belt being drawn
from the loops holding it at the waist. A snick of a zipper being lowered and
the swish of cloth.
    “When we are in this apartment together you are mine. Do you
understand Cerise?” his voice was soft like smooth chocolate in your mouth.
    “Yes.” I whispered.
    “Oow!” I jumped at the bee sting that had landed on my bare
ass. Again on the other cheek. Ohmygod, that hurt.

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