Princess SOS

Read Princess SOS for Free Online

Book: Read Princess SOS for Free Online
Authors: Sara Page
Tags: Claimed by the Savage
Especially if I’m having wet dreams about the scary alien who looks like he rather break me then kiss me.
    I feel sick, and a bit perverted my mind even went there. I mean, seriously, how could I have a wet dream, a vivid sexual fantasy about him ? He wants to kill me for fuck sakes. What is wrong with me?
    I’ve heard of space madness, when people get stuck in space for days, weeks, or years at a time, all alone. They start to have delusions and hallucinations, losing touch with reality. Sometimes they recover when they reunite with civilization. Sometimes they never come back.
    Maybe I’m suffering space madness. The thought frightens me just as much as dying does. Losing my mind, going crazy while I’m trapped in this pod….
    I need air. I need sky above me and ground below me. But I can’t have it because that damn alien is out there, being a creepy, psycho killer stalker.
    Maybe just a few minutes will be enough. If I open the door, stand outside and tuck tail as soon as I see him, I should be okay. It’s worked so far.
    I grab my jug to take a drink first. I start to lift it to my lips then stop, eyeing it suspiciously. Maybe the water is drugged. Maybe he put some weird alien drug in it to make me dream of him. I smell the water. It smells like water. Maybe I should just stop with the maybes and focus on taking care of myself.
    I drink from the jug and then check the surveillance camera.
    Huh? That’s weird.
    I hit the green button and the wall sinks into the floor. Just outside the gap, on the ground, are two red fruits.
    Are those the fruits that hit me in the head?
    I poke my head out and scan my surroundings. I don’t see anything. Cautiously, I step out of the pod. I walk up to the fruits and toe them with my slipper. They roll to the side and otherwise nothing happens.
    I bend over and pick the fruit up. For a moment, I wondered if they were just a mirage. But no, the fruit is very real as my hands cover them. I straighten and weigh the fruits in my hands.
    This doesn’t make any sense. I don’t know what to make of it. Why did he bring me food? Is it a peace offering? Is it to get me to let my guard down? Should I even take it?
    I tip my head back and look to the sky. I watch the leaves flutter and sway in the breeze. It feels so good to be outside, I just have to soak it all in. I suck in a lungful of air. It smells so good to be outside. It’s just as sweet as I remembered it.
    I can’t take the fruit, especially because I don’t know what it means.
    Through the leaves, I can see clouds rolling across the blue sky. Hungrily, my eyes watch them scroll past.
    I don’t know how long I stood there, watching the clouds, but it felt really good. It felt as good as drinking the water after I had gone thirsty for all that time. This was another need, being outside, in the open. I need to be sure I don’t neglect it.
    I knew he would be there when I finally dragged my eyes away from the sky. I knew it and dreaded it.
    As soon as my eyes touch upon him, I can’t help but fear him. He’s so scary looking. Every fiber in my body is screaming at me, telling me to run, yelling that’s he’s going to kill me. He’s seven feet tall, purple, and staring at me with glowing red eyes.
    He just might be trying to fatten me up before he decides to eat me. Little pig, little pig, let me in…
    The alien doesn’t move for me, though. He keeps his distance and there’s such intensity in the way he holds himself, such rigidness. His hands clench at his sides and I get the impression he’s holding himself back. I get the feeling he wants to pounce on me and the longer I stand here, the more likely it’s going to happen.
    I open my hands and the fruit falls to the ground. Something akin to confusion passes over his stern features. His lips pull into a frown. I shiver, it only makes him look scarier.
    I turn and tuck tail back to my pod. I hit the green button and turn to watch the wall go back up. I half expect

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