
Read Primal for Free Online

Book: Read Primal for Free Online
Authors: Lora Leigh
detected in Engalls, Kita wallet. Location currently identified and highlighted on your screen.”
    The digital display reconfigured to show the small red dot identified as Kita’s vehicle at approximately five hours ahead of him.
    “Computer, display routes to intersect in quickest possible time.”
    The map reconfigured once again. He could shave two hours off his time and catch up with her well before evening.
    “Onboard navigation detected in vehicle,” the computer spoke unexpectedly. “GPS programmed and displaying onboard directions to destination.”
    God love her heart, Creed almost smiled. Kita liked to say she was directionally challenged. She loved that GPS, which was the reason he had tied the trackers into the navigation on each vehicle her father owned.
    The computer came back seconds later with the address of her destination, and this time, he couldn’t help but smile. She was driving right into the thick of Breed territory and didn’t even know it.
    He loved it. He couldn’t have asked for a better destination himself.
    “Call Wyatt,” he ordered the computer as he turned onto the interstate and began heading out of New York toward Virginia. The coordinates the computer laid out would have him arriving at her location before she did. A small Tennessee community that barely numbered in the hundreds during the tourist off season. And it was definitely not tourist season for that area right now.
    “Wyatt is currently unavailable,” the computer replied.
    “Call Wyatt. Verification pass, tango, seven.”
    The computer paused for long seconds before replying. “Verification pass approved, Enforcer Raines. Director Wyatt will be on the line momentarily.”
    He didn’t have to wait long.
    “Wyatt,” Jonas answered shortly.
    “She’s on the run,” Creed informed him immediately.
    “The Engalls brat?” Jonas growled. “Do we have a situation?”
    “We can make it a situation,” Creed replied before quickly launching into his explanation. He could almost hear Jonas thinking hard and fast on the other line.
    “I’ll have him contacted,” the director finally stated thoughtfully. “Keep her incommunicado until further notice. I’ll put the plan in effect and see if we can get Engalls to cooperate.”
    Which meant Brandenmore wasn’t cooperating. The deranged CEO of Brandenmore Research had become so twisted, so pure evil and cunning that even as his mind was being eaten away, he was still scheming to destroy the Breeds.
    The only hope left was the chance that Engalls could figure out where that research had been hidden. The Breeds had exhaustively searched every known location associated with Brandenmore and Engalls—corporate offices, research sites, private residences—but had found no trace of the research the Breeds knew Brandenmore had developed with Engalls’s help.
    “Do you know where she’s headed?” Jonas questioned.
    “I have her navigation system tagged as well as her wallet,” Creed answered. “Her location was punched into the nav, and I have it now.”
    “Excellent.” The satisfaction in Jonas’s voice had Creed’s lips tightening for a moment. “Keep her out of sight and out of communication, Creed. And pray.” For a moment, the agony Creed knew the other man was going through slipped into his voice. “Pray Engalls cooperates when he suspects the Genetics Council has kidnapped his daughter.”
    And he was praying. But, Creed admitted, he had been praying since he learned what Brandenmore had done to the three-month-old infant: injected with the same serum he had injected into himself. The serum that was quickly killing him. And he refused to give the information on it, refused to do more than give them the original serum and demand they learn why it was destroying him and not the child. As though he feared giving the Breeds his research would result in whatever was needed to save Amber only.
    Creed couldn’t swear that wouldn’t be the direction the Breeds

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