Preying on You
door when she finished with them. Diamond had the
pleasure of using her whip on a newbie client and had fun tales to
share in the back room. Sapphire finally showed up after her three
week hiatus to inform Johnny that she’d tested positive. She let
him sweat it out a bit before she revealed that she was an STD free
mother-to-be. I think he would have rather dealt with the
    I tried to go through the motions of
my days like normal but my thoughts kept wandering back to the
steel gray eyes that had appeared nightly in my dreams. I don’t
know why I dreamed of Mr. Dorian. He was abrupt, obviously
arrogant, with a pinch of control freak mingled in and he was
completely vacant from my life. After that night with Cullen he had
been a no show. I was beginning to wonder if my bit of fun had
pushed him away.
    Something about him called to me
though. Maybe it was the way he watched me, like prey about to
devour a meal. With those full lips and sizeable bulge that I’d
spied in his pants I imagined that might be a treat if I allowed
myself to forget all about his curt manner or the maddening mystery
around who he really was.
    One thing niggled at me
over those following days. He’d laid out five grand like it was
nothing but he’d offered more...for sex. It was only later that I
realized he had never specified with who. It was obvious from his
immediate jealous response when Cullen reached his breaking point
that he had no intention of paying to watch me fuck another man so
that meant he’d put sex with himself on the table.
    Could I do it? Exchange sexual favors
for money? The other girls did and I didn’t look down on them for
it. After a while it’s just part of this life that you accept and
then splurge on the money later. Ten grand was nothing to turn my
nose up at and I had to admit that there had been an added level of
arousal to the dance I had done with Cullen.
    I’d never been with two
guys at once but I was suddenly considering that a viable option in
the future. Maybe I’d have a really good time in Vegas.
    That following Friday I kept my eyes
open wide for any signs of Mr. Dorian’s limo when I pulled into the
lot but if it was there it was well hidden behind the semis. It was
another packed night when I arrived around ten and Trixie brought
down the house by yanking a guy up onto the stage for a live bull
riding show. She told me later he was out with his friends for his
bachelor party and they paid her extra to give him a “wild ride.”
She didn’t disappoint.
    As I went out to do my set, I glanced
up at the VIP room and realized that the curtains were drawn back
and the interior was darkened. It struck me as a bit odd but at
least I knew to keep my focus on the men in front of me. I danced
for fifteen minutes, dipping, thrusting and gyrating my hips. Sweat
shone off my bare breasts as I crawled toward the end of the stage
to the final beats of my song, one of Maroon 5’s latest that became
my jam the instant I heard it.
    Men hollered and camera flashes
dazzled me. Photography of any kind was strictly forbidden so I
hoped one of the security members would bounce that guy’s ass right
out the door with a broken camera and nose to match. When the music
melded into new beat I knelt down in front of the men lining the
stage, giving them a great view of my swinging tits and allowed
them to slip bills into my panties. A few stray fingers managed to
get a little something extra but I slapped them away and moved
    I had only collected from one side of
the stage when one of the bouncers shoved through the crowd and
raised his hands to me. I hesitated, unsure of what he was doing
but I allowed him to hoist me off the stage. I remained in his arms
until we were through the throng of men. I glanced back over his
shoulder to see Johnny collecting to rest of my tips but I doubted
a single dollar of it would end up in my hands.
    “ I wasn’t done with my
set,” I grumbled as Brian finally set me on my feet

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