Potential Match [Ménage.com 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Read Potential Match [Ménage.com 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) for Free Online

Book: Read Potential Match [Ménage.com 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) for Free Online
Authors: Peyton Elizabeth
Tags: Romance
they try to stop me, I’ll not only slash your throat wide open, I’ll kill them, too. Now do as I tell you and make them go away. Bryn had warned them, trying to get them to do as he said, but Duke and Des hadn’t listened. She tried to focus on the conversation Des was having with Sheriff Whittington.
    Sheriff Whittington was the sheriff of Triple, and he’d been the first one on the scene, followed by an ambulance. When Bryn, Duke, and Des had insisted they thought this was the serial killer, Sheriff Whittington immediately called the state police. Unfortunately, after hearing what they had to say, the state police weren’t so willing to believe it.
    “If he is the serial killer,” Sheriff Whittington said, holding up his hand to ward off Des’s protests at the word if, “he’s not following his normal MO. At least, that’s what the lead detective said.”
    “Normal? She’s a fucking twin of his murder victims, Sheriff! He took her from her car. What more do they want?”
    “Des, it’s okay,” Bryn said in a low voice, grateful no one else was in the waiting room. “We aren’t one hundred percent sure he’s the serial killer, either. It’s just a hunch.”
    “Damn it, Bryn. That guy held a knife to your throat. He stabbed Duke and threatened to come back for you. That deserves twenty-four-hour protection.”
    “Des, Bryn has already said she’s going to Tucson in the morning. The police can’t afford to have someone follow her around, city to city.” Sheriff Whittington placed his hat on his head, covering up a healthy amount of white hair. His eyebrows and mustache were a matching color, while his blue eyes stood out like shining headlights. He was handsome for an older gentleman in a way that Bryn would label distinguished. “Now, if she were to stay in Triple for a while, we’d be able to keep a close eye on her. Or maybe if she went back to Phoenix, Detective Flynn would assign someone to check in on her.”
    “Then she’ll stay with us,” Des announced. “Bryn will be out at our place, once we get Duke released in the morning. We’ll take care of her there, but would you have Luke do some drive-bys to make sure the area is clear?”
    “Why are you two talking about me like I’m not here?” Bryn asked, irritation setting in. “Sheriff, I appreciate the advice, but I have a life to lead and a job to—”
    “Wouldn’t you like to be alive to live it?” Des asked, anger lacing his tone. Obviously, he was overly tired, too, Bryn thought. “Damn it, Bryn. We sat for three hours getting to know one another and then in the blink of an eye, you run.”
    “Run?” Bryn was starting to have trouble keeping up with the multiple conversations. She rubbed her hands over her face, trying to keep herself awake. “I’m not the one who suggested I stay at the B and B. If we were hitting it off so well, what was so wrong with your place?”
    “Uh, Des, I don’t think—” Sheriff Whittington tried to get a word in edgewise, but Des wasn’t even paying attention to the older man.
    “You thought we suggested the B and B because we didn’t want you to stay at the house? Are you fucking kidding me?” Des asked, his green eyes widening in disbelief. So maybe she’d been wrong, Bryn thought, but that didn’t give him the right to curse at her.
    “Don’t you dare cuss at me, Destry Winslow,” Bryn said, shaking her finger in his face. “I’ve been through enough tonight without having you throw words like that in my face. What the hell was I supposed to think when you and Duke suggested the B and B? Huh?”
    “Maybe you two should talk about this another—”
    “We were trying to be gentlemen, Bryn,” Des replied, his impatience shining through. Bryn had to tilt her head up when he took a step closer to her. “What would you have done if we’d suggested you spend the night with us? You know damn well that we’re attracted to you, but this could be something so much more. We

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