Play Date (Play Makers Book 3)
it,” she begged Johnny, knowing his professional throwing arm could handle the assignment. And he gave it his best shot, but Dub surprised them all by diving in front of the kicker and scoring the prize for himself.
    Which was actually perfect, since his romance with Sophie James was legendary.
    Everyone howled and applauded again, and as Johnny and Dub took their bows, Erica swept her attention over the crowd until she found Rachel Gillette standing off by herself, her glamorous silvery-pink gown clinging to every perfect curve, her delicate face smiling with genuine affection as she watched the display.
    An angel indeed.
    Fixing her with a direct smile, she was delighted when the angel smiled back, again showing an airy quality that Erica intended to capture in an ad campaign soon.
    But for now, she settled for waving at the lovely blonde, and was pleased when Rachel waved back, her eyes shining mischievously as though knowing they had a lot in common. Rachel had almost dated Erica’s husband. Now she was dating Sean, Erica’s favorite friend. Didn’t that guarantee future friendship for them as well?
    Wrapping her arms around Johnny’s neck, she murmured, “As soon as we get back from the honeymoon, let’s have Sean and Rachel over for dinner.”
    “Again with Deck’s love life?” He laughed in defeat. “Can we please get these stupid toasts over with? You may be thinking of others, but I’m feeling real selfish, and that bare leg gave me ideas.”
    “Mmmm . . .” She dragged his head down and kissed him happily. And this time when the crowd cheered, the couple ignored them completely, knowing the honeymoon had begun a bit ahead of schedule.
    • • •
    Now you have a better reason to envy Erica, because yowza, he’s gonna rip her dress off.
    Laughing, Rachel declared this trip from San Diego to Portland a success, even if nothing ever happened between her and Sean. Thanks to that thoughtful nod from Erica, she was officially part of something special. And someday, when she had a wedding of her own, she would plagiarize it without mercy.
    She took another sip of her drink, then set it on the wall and stood to get a better view of the toasts.
    First up was Johnny’s dad, the coach, who got so choked up he couldn’t make it through. Which of course made Rachel cry, but she had tissues, didn’t she? And since her date had abandoned her, she didn’t really care about streaked mascara.
    Erica’s father was even worse, crying before they even gave him the microphone. Now everyone was sobbing, and Rachel was glad she’d brought a mirror and some powder. She wouldn’t risk missing a moment of this tearfest, so she turned her back to the crowd and dabbed at her eyes.
    Next up was Sean, who was predictably adorable. Apparently his crush on Erica was the worst-kept secret in the world, because after a warm tribute to his best friend John, he waxed poetic about the bride.
    What an idiot.
    She smiled when Jake Dublin took the microphone from him. It had been so cute when he caught the garter, and she suspected he’d make good use of it.
    And since Sophie was as much in love as he was . . .
    He began with the hilarious story of his first encounter with Johnny Spurling, claiming that the quarterback had actually tried to strangle him for daring to make a move on his cousin. One glance at Johnny’s face confirmed that indeed, “Dub” had almost met his maker that day.
    But instead, after a few setbacks, Sophie—a.k.a. “Elevator Girl,” since that was how Dub first thought of her—had become his girlfriend. Thereafter, if the toast was true, he had proposed to her a zillion times, always hearing the same thing: “Isn’t it a little soon?”
    Now Dub laid it on the line. Johnny had known Erica for less than five months, and here they were, married. In contrast, Dub and Sophie had been together, at least in Dub’s mind, for seven months.
    “So what do you say, Elevator Girl?” he asked, his voice

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