
Read Perv for Free Online

Book: Read Perv for Free Online
Authors: Becca Jameson
Tags: Contemporary Romance
her shiver. He left her unsure if he’d asked her if she wanted a drink or commanded that she take a drink. He had a way of speaking nearly every time he opened his mouth that left her confused about his motives.
    He stared at her for several seconds, his brow furrowed as she held the bottle but didn’t tip it to her lips.
    Finally, seeming to break himself from a spell, he stepped around her and ran his hands over his short-cropped hair.
    “What?” How had she managed to irritate him without doing anything?
    “Nothing.” He glanced around and stepped farther away. “I should go.” He didn’t look at her.
    “Why?” Her voice squeaked as she asked, or rather seemed to beg with that one word.
    “Rafe…Katy… They’ll kill me.”
    “Yeah, I’m not sure I get that.” She shook her head and set the bottle of undrunk water on the counter. “No. In fact, I don’t get it at all. Why are we catering to those two exactly?”
    He stopped in the doorframe leading to the living area and turned to face her. He grabbed both sides of the frame with his hands. He was so tall and huge, he filled the entire space, again making the room seem to be sized wrong for him. “I can’t make love to you, Jenna. And you’re killing me.”
    “Can’t? Or won’t?” She had no idea exactly what he meant—again. He said it as though he weren’t capable.
    Jenna breathed hard and fast. She wanted this man more than she’d ever wanted a man in her life. Ten times more. And she was practically begging him. How the hell had it come to this? She knew he was interested. He made that clear from the moment he sauntered into the church late for the rehearsal.
    Whatever piece of this puzzle she was missing was a mystery.
    Mason stared at her, his expression serious and unreadable. Long seconds went by, maybe minutes, while Jenna heaved for oxygen and tried not to fidget.
    “Take off your dress.” His voice was lower, deeper. It wove through the room and wrapped around her, enveloping her in the command.
    She should have been shocked. Instead she was mesmerized as though held in a trance by his piercing stare.
    Jenna didn’t break his gaze as she did his bidding. Did he sway closer to her as she reached behind for the zipper?
    It could have been her imagination. Impossible to tell. He held the wood frame with a death grip, his body leaning into the room.
    She couldn’t read him, as usual, but at least he was moving in the right direction. She needed sex. Hell, she needed a fuck. She wanted him inside her, and she wanted fast and hard. Lucky for her, the intense stare he gave her told her he was on the edge of losing it alongside her.
    The zipper reached the bottom, and Jenna shrugged the dress around her until it fell to the floor. She stood before him knowing what he saw without lowering her gaze. All she wore underneath was a black lace bra and a matching thong. Why she’d worn her favorite sexy set tonight she would never know, but thank God.
    “Step out from behind the island,” he demanded. His voice remained low. His gaze roamed down her body as she did his bidding again, exposing herself to his piercing gaze. “Spin around. Let me see all of you.”
    Jenna licked her dry lips again, wishing she’d at least taken a sip of that water. She spun slowly. It was the only option, really. If she moved any faster, she would have lost her balance and fallen. There was little blood available to command her legs with.
    Her breasts felt enormous, and she was afraid to glance down and break the spell. Her pussy was so wet she feared she would leak down her leg.
    “Take off the rest, Jenna.” The way he said her name made her shiver. He caressed her with it, from across the room. He wasn’t touching her, and yet he made love to her with his eyes, his words. Or was he fucking her? She wasn’t sure. He’s such a perv . That thought made her pussy clench.
    Jenna reached behind and unclasped her bra. Relief filled her to release her tight,

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