Pearl's Awakening (Devil's Iron MC #3)

Read Pearl's Awakening (Devil's Iron MC #3) for Free Online

Book: Read Pearl's Awakening (Devil's Iron MC #3) for Free Online
Authors: Gm Scherbert
happy by working together?If you can find a way to forgive him for what happen that night, I am sure we can find a way to work together.”
    “Yes, it is just that you and him both are so dominant, and I am not sure that either of you would be able to share me.”
    “Share? No, we would not be able to share, Pet. We would have to both own you equally. It is not something that I have talked to Abraham about, but I must admit that it has crossed my mind a time or two since you started having those dreams when he came back.” Stroking my face lightly he goes on, “That is what made you run? Your fear of what I, no, we, would think if you asked for both of us to own you?”
    “Yes, that is why I ran. I don’t think I can talk with him, and didn’t know how to talk to you, about it.”
    “Well, he will be here in the morning to talk with you and you can tell him what you have just told me. We will see what his thoughts on the matter are. Pet, know that no matter what he decides, you are mine and you will not leave me again. No matter what the fuck happens, if you do, I will have to seriously stop myself from locking you in a cage and leaving you there.”
    “He is here? Why, is he here?”
    “Sweetling, he and I have been together nonstop looking for you these past days. I let him come up here, but wanted to have some time with you alone before he talked with you. He is at the motel down the street and will be here at sunup. I will take the girls out on the lake when he gets here so that you two can talk and find some peace. You will not do anything unbecoming of my ol’ lady or pet, though. Do you understand me?”
    “Yes, Master. I understand. Thank you, Master.” I lean into him as he takes my mouth with his in a passionate kiss. “I love you, Markus.”
    “I love you as well, Sweetling. Let’s get to sleep so that you are rested for the morning.”

Chapter 9 – Pearl
    Trying to turn over to go to sleep I am quickly reminded of the belting that I just received and I hiss. A gruff laugh comes from next to me and then Markus is up on his knees helping me to turn over and snuggle in with my pillows again. After he finishes making sure that I am comfortable he gets up to check on the girls and then returns. Turning off the lights, he shuts the door behind himself, stripping out of his pants and lifting the blanket to get into bed. He curls up behind me resting his arm on my side and his hand on top of my belly. Sleep claims him quickly and I am left wide awake, pondering the events of the evening.
    What the fuck is happening?
    I know that Abraham and I have a lot to talk over, and tomorrow will not be an easy day for either of us. I am not sure if I will be able to handle the emotional roller coaster that is going to happen, but it must be done if I am to get what I want out of the situation, which is to have both of these men in my life, no matter how that has to happen.
    I struggle for the next two hours to get to sleep, and when it finally comes I drift again into the dream of the two men in my heart. Dreaming of both of them, taking me together, with no qualms or problems between us.Being able to be happy together, if that is even possible.
    Waking up to Iris and Rose standing in front of me, I am shocked to see them dressed. “Good morning. You going somewhere, girls?”
    As I sit up, Iris answers me quickly, “Yeah momma, Markus is taking us out on the boat and Abraham is here, too. Momma, it is so cool that they are both here to play with us and hang out. You won’t be sad anymore because they are here, right? You are always so sad when they are not around, Momma.”
    “I will not be sad anymore Iris, I will be happy, I promise. Now you two go have fun on the lake and show Markus how to catch some fish, Ok?”
    “Yes momma, we will.”
    As I follow them out of the room with my eyes, I am caught off guard by Abraham standing quietly against the doorframe staring at me.
    “Abraham,” comes out on a

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