Patriot (A Jack Sigler Continuum Novella)

Read Patriot (A Jack Sigler Continuum Novella) for Free Online

Book: Read Patriot (A Jack Sigler Continuum Novella) for Free Online
Authors: Jeremy Robinson, J. Kent Holloway
Tags: Action & Adventure
Wa’s accursed crew had been on the island after all.
    “Captain.” A sailor—Spratt, Finkle believed was his name—ran up to Reardon out of breath. “That’s a frigate. There’s no way we can take ’em harbored as we are in this lagoon.”
    Reardon turned to Finkle. “Would they fire on us? If they’re really Lanme Wa’s crew, and they’re protecting their captain, would they dare fire upon the ship that has him in its hold?”
    The scientist nodded grimly. “He’s supposed to be immortal. To them, it’s better to sink the ship, then later dive down to retrieve him. I don’t think they’d have a bit of concern firing on us, no.”
    Reardon looked out across the western horizon, then turned to Greer. “Ready the main sails.”
    “Sir? What about the corpse and the witch?” Greer asked.
    “Mr. Greer, we ha’ six eighteen-pound cannons, and ten swivel guns. That man-o-war has at least thirty-six cannons at her disposal. Need I repeat meself?”
    Greer shook his head.
    “Good, then raise anchor, and let’s outrun these brigands before they get within range.”
    When the quartermaster stalked away, barking orders to the crew, Captain Reardon turned to Finkle, and sighed. “I reckon, Mr. Finkle, you need to introduce me to this bokor of yours. We may need her juju ’fore journey’s end.”

    Finkle led the captain down below deck, and into the crew’s quarters, where a series of hanging sheets closed off the bokor’s sleeping chamber from the rest of the crew. Cautiously, Finkle tapped on a wooden beam supporting one of the sheets.
    “ Oui ? ” came the soft voice of the mambo bokor.
    “It’s Jim Brannan Finkle, madam. Along with Captain Reardon,” Finkle said. “We were hoping for a moment of your time.”
    The ship shifted as it caught its headwind, came around and began tacking in a northwest direction. The scientist grabbed hold of the beam, readying himself for the sound of pursuing cannon fire, but it didn’t come. A moment later, the sheet was pulled back to reveal the beautiful Creole woman, now completely nude. Only her smile distracted Finkle’s eyes away from her sleek, taut frame.
    “It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, Captain.” She held out her hand, palm down, in the fashion of a lady expecting a kiss.
    Reardon blushed, then seemed to gather his wits. “For cryin’ out loud, put some clothes on, lass! If me crew were to see you this way, I’m not sure I could guarantee yer safety.”
    Still smiling, she glanced down at her sweating skin, spread her arms out in a freeing gesture and sighed. “But mon Capitaine , it is necessary for da magicks I must do to raise up Lanme Wa. On land, I go barefoot, to draw closer to da earth. But on da sea…da sea is much more powerful than da land. Da sea elevates da l’was’ might a great deal…especially with the blood magick necessary for our needs. Even so, dere should be as few barriers between me and da sea as possible. Clothing only hinders da ritual.”
    “Well, at least for now, please cover yourself with a sheet or something,” Finkle said, grabbing a sheer linen sheet resting on a nearby crate, and handing it to her. “We need to go visit our pirate friend at once, and the crew cannot see you in such a state of undress.”
    With a slight shrug, she accepted the sheet, and wrapped herself in it, but she kept her shoulders to her collarbone bare. She then grabbed a leather bag, decorated with an assortment of bones and sea shells, stepped out from her makeshift bedchamber and nodded. “All right. So take me to Lanme Wa, and let’s get started.”
    The trio slipped through the two rows of hammocks and bunks cluttering the sleeping quarters below deck. The ship seemed to be making good speed now, and they were forced, on more than one occasion, to grab hold of the nearest beam, rope or handle they could find, to keep from toppling over as they crashed through the waves. Ninety-three feet aft, they came

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