Outside the Lines (Rebel Hearts #1)

Read Outside the Lines (Rebel Hearts #1) for Free Online

Book: Read Outside the Lines (Rebel Hearts #1) for Free Online
Authors: Emily Goodwin
shower games. Not knowing Danielle, I think it’s safe to say I lost.  
    Once the shower ends, we help my brother and Danielle pack everything up to take back to their little house by the water. Danielle doesn’t officially live with Jake yet, and she tries to pass off as a virgin to her parents and my own, but I know my brother and know he wouldn’t stay in a relationship if he wasn’t getting some. Because he’s a pig like that. Then again, I wouldn’t stay in a relationship like that either.  
    Erin stays for dinner at my parent’s house, and we spend the rest of the night sketching out our costume ideas and ordering materials online. I hug her and my family goodbye, take one last look at the remaining twilight glistening off the lake, and get in my car to start the drive home, reminding myself not to speed. I have Mr. Silent Knight and a DVR’d episode of Game of Thrones waiting for me, after all.  


    “You should dress up like this more often,” Cameron says, scrolling through Facebook. “You’re hot.”  
    I look up from the computer and make a face. “Would you pay me more if I dressed up?”
    He raises his eyebrows. “No, but I—”
    “Then it’s not worth it.” I quickly type out a code, press enter, then save my progress. “What do you think?” I ask and push my feet against the floor, causing my rolling chair to scoot away from the desk. I yawn and grab my coffee at the last minute, before I’m too far to reach it. It’s Monday morning. I need all the coffee I can get today. Cameron leans in, clicking through the website.  
    “It looks great! Way better than what the client paid for,” he only half jokes. “Seriously. You’re good, Lissy.”  
    “Thanks. And really, it was easy.”  
    “I don’t know why you’re here,” he says quietly. “As much as I don’t want to lose you, I feel like you’re wasting your talents here.”  
    I shrug off the compliment. “When the CIA seeks me out to be part of a top-secret hacker group, I’ll quit.”  
    Cameron rolls his eyes. “Why don’t you apply? You don’t have to be kidnapped in a black windowless van to get a job with the government, you know.”  
    “I do,” I say. “And I’ve looked into it. I’ll think about it.” I’ve opened the online application many times. Not just the CIA either. The FBI or Homeland Security would work too. And I’m sure there were other even more secret groups out there too. I wouldn’t exactly be Black Widow, but fighting cybercrime would be badass enough for me.  
    “So,” I say with a sigh. “Do I have to go to that appointment now?”
    Cameron checks the time. “You got some time. What do you want for lunch? Thai food?”
    I smile. “Aww, you know me so well.”  
    “More than I wish I did,” he shoots back. “Your usual?”
    I nod and log onto my company email to message the art director about the garden website. Assuming he approves the graphics I added this morning, I’m done. I grab my phone and scroll through Pinterest, pinning fan-made memes of my favorite shows until Cameron texts me to tell me lunch is here.  
    No one really cares that I’m friends with the boss, but Cam worries about his boss coming down hard on him for being so casual with me. There are no official policies against it, but it’s “frowned upon” by the guys upstairs. Whatever. Buying me lunch as a thank you is harmless, if you ask me. I sit in the breakroom, half paying to the Steve Wilkos show as I eat my spicy noodles until I have to go.  
    I tell the people at On Star the address and get directions sent over, then drive halfway across town to a fancy art gallery, owned by a Mr. Hartford. I park and pull down the mirror, running my hands through my hair, which had gotten messy from the wind blowing through the open windows.  
    A little bit of dread goes through me when I get out of the car. I take a breath, finding my resolve, and think about Black Widow again. I push my shoulders

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