Other Oceans: Book Two of the Hook & Jill Saga

Read Other Oceans: Book Two of the Hook & Jill Saga for Free Online

Book: Read Other Oceans: Book Two of the Hook & Jill Saga for Free Online
Authors: Andrea Jones
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy
    “And so you offer me a bargaining chip for your cooperation. An interesting concept, Doctor. I see you are a gentleman of the old school. We shall discuss it at supper. I assure you, nothing ‘untoward’ will happen to her— before then.” Hook turned again, but halted at the tone of the surgeon’s next question. His face relaxed, but he concealed his satisfaction.
    “But who is she?”
    Not bothering to face the man, Hook spoke over his shoulder. “When you have agreed to join us, Doctor, she’ll be a female under your care.” Then he smiled, leaving the man with the dueling scar and the modest suit floundering in his wake and reassessing his attitude toward the pirate’s proposition.
    Another weakness laid bare.
§ § §
    The young man approached, keys jingling, to survey the girl between the bars of her cage. The captive peered from under her elbows; she wouldn’t unclasp her ears for him. Through the iron strips, the light from the stairway cast crisscross shadows on his face, and on the yellow shirt beneath, with its loose sleeves and tight shoulders. Another garment hung limp over his arm.
    “Good morning, Miss. We haven’t forgotten you. We all had a night of it, and we roused a bit late today!” He smiled. His easy countenance showed no markings or tattoos as yet. He was youthful, just turned a man. But a sturdy man, all the same.
    The girl had no use for him. He was a pirate.
    “Ah, Miss. We thought you’d be ready for some conversation.”
    In spite of her indifferent posture, her eyes asked. They were gray and curious.
    “‘We’ is me and my brother, Nibs. You’ll know him by the orange kerchief on his head. I’m Tom. Tom Tootles. We’ve just joined up. Yours was the first ship we’ve taken.” He looked off into a corner of the brig, reliving the memory and sighing. “It was glorious, wasn’t it?”
    With renewed disdain, the girl yanked her elbows down and uncovered her ears.
    “Sorry, Miss! Got carried away. Can I get you some breakfast before you meet the mistress?” He recognized the look in her eyes, then, the hunger to understand the lady. Tom smiled. “Aye, she has that effect on everyone aboard.” Jill had always commanded authority in some form, even when she’d been only the girl mother of a handful of Lost Boys. “Her name’s Red-Handed Jill, and she’s the queen of this vessel.”
    The girl inched a half step forward. Her bare feet prickled in the straw.
    “She’ll be sending for you soon, so you’d best eat while you can. Will you?”
    She shook her head. She backed away.
    Tom shrugged. “Your decision. Let’s just clean you up a bit. You’re in no condition to wait upon a queen.” He held up the circle of keys so that they slid together, selected one, and turned the lock with a grinding. The door protested as Tom swung it open, and then he stepped in. The captive cringed and covered her ears again.
    “What’s the matter with your ears? Covering them’s not going to stop anything. You’d better be listening. We mean no harm to you. If we did, believe me, it would already be done!” Laughing, he seized her wrist to pull her toward him. He shook the garment off his arm and tossed it over her shoulder. “Here’s your dress. Put it on like a good girl, and I’ll be back when the mistress is ready for you.” He pulled a brush from his back pocket, handed it to her, and turned to go.
    As he moved away, she relaxed enough to allow her other hand to fall from her ear. She shrugged the dress off her shoulder and looked at it. Like the brush, it was her own, one plundered with her other belongings. In her surprise, she dropped her guard too soon.
    Tom turned on his heel, strode two steps, and took the girl’s face between his hands. “You’ll tell me if you need anything, won’t you? Hairpins or whatnot. I don’t know much about girls’ things.” He flashed a smile. “I know a bit about ladies, though!” And he kissed her, right on the lips.

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