Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6)

Read Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6) for Free Online

Book: Read Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6) for Free Online
Authors: Julia Mills
spun, bobbling the pot she was working with before dropping it anyway. Of course, then she felt like a total idiot when she realized it was only Sam’s neighbor walking his abnormally large dog.
    Shaking her head at her lack of grace, Charlie shelved her ideas of a photo shoot for Better Homes and Garden and went in search of the broom and dustpan. Stopping in the kitchen for a quick drink of water, she once again heard footsteps, but chalked it up to her imagination and chuckled instead of freaking out.
    With a glass in hand, she had just turned towards the faucet when the little hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Worse than that, the marks on her back tingled, something that hadn’t happened in years. Her heart raced. Her pulse pounded. She turned so quickly the glass she was holding slipped from her fingers. In the blink of an eye, the man she’d worked so hard to ignore was standing mere inches from her, saving the cup from certain death.
    As Aaron stood to his full height of at least six feet four inches, his cerulean eyes held her captive. Tiny wrinkles at the corners of his eyes assured her she would find him grinning if she looked down at his very kissable mouth.
    Staring deep into his eyes, Charlie sighed. She’d forgotten how ruggedly handsome he really was.
    No one would ever accuse Aaron O’Brien of being pretty. His skin seemed to hold a permanent tan, showing just a few signs of years being outside in the sun and wind. No matter what time of day she saw him, he always had a five ‘o’clock shadow, stubble she knew first hand, that tickled when it touched her cheek.
    His shoulders were broad, his waist trim, and her fingers tingled with the need to touch his chest as she’d done the night of their kiss. The longer they stood staring at one another the stronger the tingles in her back became, almost like cold chills running up and down her spine. 
    Somehow, his wonderful scent had slipped her mind. Standing this close, his scent filled her senses. It was as crisp as a winter morning after a fresh snowfall and made her think all sorts of thoughts that were better left tucked away.
    Aaron was lethal. He was the epitome of ‘sex on a stick’. The one man that could tie her in knots.
    The tickle in her back reached an all-time high at the same time she realized he had no business in Sam’s home, and more importantly, no business mere inches from her. Taking a step back, Charlie narrowed her eyes, pursed her lips, and slammed her fists onto her hips.
    The best defense is a good offense.
    “What are you doing here? You scared the hell outta me!”
    His grin faltered for a split second before he cocked his hip against the counter and resumed his usual devil may care appearance. But, she had seen a crack in his veneer. One she would use someday. Then he spoke, derailing her thoughts.
    “I stopped by to…” He cleared his throat, the mesmerizing effect of his deep raspy voice lingering.
    When he began again, his tone had softened and Charlie felt herself sway. Holding fast, she focused on his words instead of his voice. “I came to apologize… and explain. But then I saw the broken pot and the opened door and thought something had happened.”
    “Sam took care of that,” was her retort, but it lacked the force she intended.
    He was worried about me? Steady girl. Don’t let him get the best of you…again.
    “I know she did, but I owe you an apology.”
    “Okay. You could’ve done that over the phone.”
    “I tried several times but you ignored my calls.”
    Knows that trick, does he?
    “Yeah, well, there is such a thing as voicemail. Besides, I needed some time. It’s not every day you see a real live dragon.”
    Aaron snorted and she immediately got the joke. Her attempt at hiding her smile was poor at best, so she gave up.
    “Well, I guess it does happen every day for you . Does it? I mean, I can ask that, right?”
    His snort turned into loud laughter. It was the first time she’d

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