On Jason's Watch [Paladin Protection Agency 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Read On Jason's Watch [Paladin Protection Agency 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) for Free Online

Book: Read On Jason's Watch [Paladin Protection Agency 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) for Free Online
Authors: Susan Hayes
Tags: Romance
How could he do that if he didn’t even know her current location?
    “Oh right, she’s probably still in the gym. She was bored and asked me if I could find her something to wear so she could go burn off some energy. We hit up the quartermaster and she headed out.”
    “The gym?” An image of Jazz surrounded by off-duty security officers sent his blood pressure sky-high, and he started jogging toward the elevators. “Thanks Michelle. I’ll track her down there and let her know what we found.”
    “You’re welcome, Jase.”
    He hung up and hit the elevator call button. He needed to get to the gym.
    The cardio room was empty. He couldn’t see anyone in the weight room either, which was unheard of. Usually there were as many bodies in the gym as there were in the cafeteria. But today he couldn’t find a single soul. He rounded a corner and finally found signs of life. There was cheering coming from the sparring room. He headed in and stopped dead in his tracks as his brain tried to process what he was seeing. Jazz was standing in the middle of the mats, barefoot and wearing a pair of gray track pants and a tank top. Tendrils of dark hair curled against her face, and she was grinning down at something lying on the ground. No, make that someone lying on the ground.
    “Jase, you have got to check this out. This chick’s been here for almost an hour now, and no one can beat her!” Carl, one of the more junior members of Paladin, stepped over to join Jase, his eyes still on the combat circle that had formed in the middle of the room. “You want in on the betting? Danny’s going up next. Odds are 8-to-1 he finally puts her down.”
    “You guys are betting on her?” Jase’s vision was going red around the edges. Here he’d been worried about her only to discover she was in the middle of an impromptu version of Fight Club .
    “Well, I sure as hell don’t plan on fighting her. She’d take me apart!” Carl stated and then faded back into the crowd, looking for more gamblers.
    The cheering got louder as Danny stepped into the circle and took his place across from Jazz. The two nodded tersely, and then the former marine sergeant was on the attack. He came at her with a roundhouse kick that made Jase wince . She is going to get herself killed out there! He’d already taken half a step toward the ring, determined to put a stop to the insanity, when Jazz ducked the incoming blow and launched her counterattack. Her leg swept out in a blur as her body shifted, and the next thing anyone knew, Danny was sprawled flat on his back with Jazz kneeling on his throat. Her fist was drawn and hovering a foot above his face.
    Holy shit.
    She bounced back to her feet and offered her hand to the much larger man, helping him up. Danny just gave the others a sheepish grin and headed off the floor, weaving slightly.
    “Waters, care to explain to me why one of your clients is making my employees look like a bunch of pansies?” Geoff Remington’s soft-spoken drawl made Jase swallow a curse as he turned to face his boss.
    “I just got back, sir. But I believe that the young lady in question has some uh, unique skills and abilities that she’s putting to good use.”
    “And I believe she’s kicking their asses. She’s your client, Waters. I suggest you get in there and do your best to repair Paladin’s reputation.”
    “Yes, sir!”
    “All right everyone, consider this last call.” Remington’s voice carried to every corner of the sparring room, and silence followed in its wake. “Waters, you’re up.”
    The crowd parted and Jase walked onto the mats. He was painfully aware that Remington’s eyes were burning a hole in the back of his head.
    “Hi, Jase.” Jazz shot him a smile, but her eyes were wary as she sensed the change in the room.
    “I see you found a way to stay busy while I was out.” He nodded to her new attire, trying not to focus on the way the cotton top was clinging to her damp skin, enhancing every one of

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