Obsidian Souls (Soul Series)

Read Obsidian Souls (Soul Series) for Free Online

Book: Read Obsidian Souls (Soul Series) for Free Online
Authors: Donna Augustine
close to it, to stay in that type of shape. Why did he have to be so attractive? Why couldn’t he have been ugly with bad skin and teeth I thought as I ran a hand through my dark wavy hair trying to calm it’s crazy mass.
                  “Do you have a phone I could use? My cell died,” I asked holding up my phone as if I needed proof.
                  “It’s over there, on the side table. Who do you need to call?”
                  “It’s local.”
                  “I wasn’t worried about the charge.”
                  “If you must know, I’m calling a cab.”
                  “Where do you need to go?”
                  “Why do you need to know?” My irritation was bubbling over at this point. What was with this guy? “Forget it. I don’t need your phone.” I walked over to the elevator door. It had another one of those scanners. I put my finger to it, and of course, the doors wouldn’t open.
                  “Can you please let me out?” I asked. Please didn’t match the curtness of my tone. I’d had it with him and this place. I no longer cared how attractive he was. He was crazy, and I wanted out of there five minutes ago. I was going to go home and get back to normal. My spine stiffened, and I glared at him with a look that said silently, “Hurry up and open this elevator before I lose it.”
                  Disregarding my obvious displeasure, he sauntered over at his own leisurely pace, while I stood fuming. He stopped and stood in front of me, just a hair too close for comfort, in all his masculine glory. I turned, with my back to the wall, to watch him, and he leaned an arm on either side of me, effectively caging me in the spot.
                  “You don’t get it. You can’t go home and be safe now.”
                  His eyes were intense, and I self-consciously licked my bottom lip. Panicking, I slid downward and slipped out from between the wall and him. He didn’t try to stop me, but he didn’t move out of the way either.
                  “I can…”
                  He interrupted me before I could finish my tirade of what I could do.
                  “I’m not going to force you to stay here, but you need to know this isn’t over. They are going to come for you.” He pressed his finger against the green scanner and activated the elevator. I got in before he could change his mind. He followed close behind and pressed one of the many buttons with the funny symbols.
                  “What would make them come after me? I didn’t even go to the police. Well, technically, they didn’t come to me, but it was the same outcome.” He was really just crazy I kept telling myself. Really hot, but really crazy.
                  “You have something they want. I can find a safe place for you to stay with associates of mine that owe me some favors, if you would prefer.”
                  “Why would they continue this? I have nothing. I don’t even own my apartment!”
                  He looked like he wanted to keep going but didn’t bother. He turned away from me and just shook his head, as if I was the one being difficult, and he was right. Let him think whatever he wanted. I was just happy I was almost out of there. I saw his guy once we got to the main level and gave him a passing wave goodbye as I headed toward the front door. No need to be rude to everyone, I figured. Rude really didn’t sit well with me anyway. It was the situation getting the best of me. Later on tomorrow, I’d be mortified at how I was acting.
                  I couldn’t wait to call my family. My brother Ted and his wife would be totally freaked out. I’d have to tone down what actually happened, or I knew they would be driving out to get me. My parents were best off not

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