Obeying the Russian Mafia Boss: A Mob Romance

Read Obeying the Russian Mafia Boss: A Mob Romance for Free Online

Book: Read Obeying the Russian Mafia Boss: A Mob Romance for Free Online
Authors: Bella Rose, Leona Lee
police commissioner, and Charles Taffey was a high ranking judge in the city court system.
    Soon they would all be in his pocket. Once they were his, the law couldn’t touch him. He could move as much drugs and dirty money through the club as he damn well pleased.
    “Gentlemen, I’m so glad you could make it. Please. Come in and make yourselves comfortable.” Erik stood and buttoned his jacket as he gestured to the table. The men glanced at the women nervously before sitting down.
    “I’m Erik Chesnovak, owner of the Black Orchid. For the past year, I’ve been growing this club to be the talk of the town, and now I’m ready to show you just what I envision for this place. And I’d like you to help me.”
    “I’m sorry,” Taffey said as he held up his hand and looked at the other men. “I thought this was going to be a private meeting.”
    “Judge Taffey, I assure you that you will get your private meeting, but first I have some business to discuss.”
    “Business? What is the meaning of this?” Granger blustered as he stared at the brunette. Desire was written all over his face, but so was fear. Fear that the other men would discover Granger’s invitation. “You do realize who I am, right?”
    Smirking, Erik sat back down and surveyed the men. “Commissioner Granger, I know exactly who you are. And I know exactly what you like. You don’t have to worry about your reputation. Mr. Taffey and Mr. Chancellor are here for the very same reason.”
    “And what reason would that be?” the judge demanded.
    “Yesterday you took a private meeting during your lunch break.” Erik smiled at the women. “During that meeting, you discussed the more pleasurable sides of life. It was just a taste of what I can offer you. That’s what I’d like to provide here. A safe place for men in your position to freely enjoy yourselves.”
    The men relaxed in their chairs. Now that they knew they were in good company, they were more susceptible. “I’m listening,” Chancellor muttered, but his eyes never left the blonde who smiled coyly at him from the bar.
    “Ladies,” Erik said softly, and the women immediately moved behind him. He reached for the remote on the table and tinted the windows that separated the VIP room from the rest of the club. Now they had complete privacy. “Yesterday, you met with three of my other employees. Gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to these beautiful women. Sarah?”
    The brunette walked forward and stepped up on a chair. Erik held her hand and helped her up to the table. Her stiletto heels clicked against the surface, and she popped her hip out.
    “Sarah, like all of my ladies, can be beauty and elegance. She looks good in both black, red, and white. Whether you want a sultry or sweet beauty on your arm for the night, all of these ladies are at your disposal. Whether it’s a private or a public event, they’ve been given deep covers to withstand scrutiny, so you can take them to any function. They’re trained to keep a conversation and make you look good in any situation. Although I would not recommend them for anyone with a wife, unless your wife is very forgiving.”
    The men chuckled. “For the amount of money I spend on jewelry, purses, and shoes, my wife is very forgiving,” Granger joked.
    “Fortunate man. Sarah? Would you like to demonstrate?”
    The brunette let her jacket fall to the floor. Underneath, she wore a formal halter dress that dipped low over her cleavage and even lower at her back. As Sarah spun slowly around, she smiled. “Hi. My name is Sarah White, and I’m a lawyer from North Carolina,” she said in a heavy southern twang.
    “Now Sarah is actually working her way through law school, so she knows a thing or two about the profession. You don’t have to worry about her bluffing her way through questioning. She’ll decorate your arm for the evening and warm up your bed at night.”
    He held out his hand and helped her off the table. She danced toward

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