No Need to Ask
luck isn’t about to change.”
    At the tone of her voice, Ethan looked up. His face was serious, jaw set, but his eyes searched her face, almost hopeful that she would say something so he could close the distance between them.
    Instead of speaking, Jillian moved toward him. She pressed herself against his lean, muscular body. Her hands reached up and dug into his hair as she pulled his lips toward hers. He groaned into her mouth as his arms went around her waist and lifted her easily into a hot, yearning kiss.
    Jillian pressed herself into his chest as she reached for his tie to pull it off, eager to feel his warm skin against her taut nipples. Sensing her need, Ethan set her easily on the arm of the couch and swiftly pulled off his shirt and tie, leaving himself naked from the waist up for her eyes and touch.
    Jillian ran her hands down his muscled chest, feeling the smooth ridges of his sculpted torso. She brought her hands back up to his neck, then to his jaw, the pads of her fingers rubbing against his slight stubble.
    “You’re killing me here,” he groaned. Jillian smiled, knowing he was holding himself back. She licked her bottom lip, which elicited another groan from him. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
    “I want you,” she said as she let one of her hands run down to his waistband. He was already hard, his cock straining the front of his pants. “But I refuse to let you have me on this awful couch.”
    Ethan threw back his head and laughed, then swiftly scooped her up and carried her to his bed.
    Jillian rolled over on to her stomach. The smooth feel of the sheets under her naked body made her smile in the filtered light of the morning.
    “Frette,” she murmured sleepily.
    “How do you know that?” Ethan asked as he nudged her over so she was in the crook of his arm.
    “If there’s one thing I know, it’s thread count, and nothing compares to Frette sheets,” she said as she snuggled up into him.
    “That’s two things,” he said. He ran his hand down her bare back until it settled comfortably on her rump, where he traced small circles with the tip of his finger. “I think.”
    “And I think today is the day you get a proper bed.” Jillian raised her head and reached over him to grab his watch off the unpacked moving box he was using as a nightstand. “We better get going. Lots to do.”
    “First you insult my couch and now my bed?” Ethan put a hand to his bare chest. “I have a feeling I should be offended.”
    “Offended? No. Embarrassed? Definitely. I have no problem with your mattress, but a mattress on the floor, even if it’s a handmade McRoskey, is not a bed.” Jillian lifted Ethan’s left arm to fasten his watch onto his wrist. “It’s an insult to the fine craftsmanship that went into making it.”
    “I got it in San Francisco and met the people who made it. I think they’d find what we did on it last night anything but insulting.” Ethan moved a muscular thigh in between her legs as he rolled Jillian over onto her back. “You like my mattress and my sheets, but I’m sure you won’t be as kind when it comes to my drapes.”
    “Sheets tacked over a window aren’t drapes. Which is why we should…” Jillian’s hands went to his shoulders as his lips made their way from her neck, to breasts, down her flat belly and then lower. “Why… we really should… should…”
    “Exactly,” Ethan breathed into her belly. “Exactly.”

    Jillian walked a step or two behind Ethan as he circled the bed frame and headboard she’d suggested. After getting a pleasantly late start to their day of shopping, she’d nixed a few stores off her list. Instead she brought him to Room & Board, one of her favorite places to get pieces she could build around. After they’d made love in the morning, Ethan had hinted that he’d be happy to go again. But Jillian, her mind buzzing with everything that needed to be done, had told him that, if

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