New Blood (The Blood Saga Book 2)

Read New Blood (The Blood Saga Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read New Blood (The Blood Saga Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Unknown
looked like a friend
of Death’s. Phoenix’s muscles were absolutely ripped. The shirt was tight
enough to tell. Not to mention he was thin and very tall. He must have been a
couple of inches over Damien. I knew this even though he was sitting.
    All of the men seemed to have that
same chiseled build, though Phoenix looked just a little wirier than the others
under the tight long sleeve shirt.
    Longer hair cropped recklessly
above his ears, shaggy but spiky, too, and so jet black it could have been
midnight blue. He was paler in color than me, which was saying something at
that moment.
    His eyes were larger but slightly
squared rather than almond shaped like Damien’s and the most brilliant
Caribbean blue I had ever seen. Phoenix’s features were harsher than the others,
intensely contrasted. Not pleasant and kind or even showing an attempt at such.
Not loathing either.
    Sitting hunched forward on the edge
of a chair as if he was ready to run with his hands interlocked in front of
him, elbows on his knees. As Phoenix looked at me, I could almost feel his
calculating mind brushing against everything. This situation. The atmosphere.
Me. A practiced casual smile placed onto my lips. Riads did teach me that at
least. I could play these games.
    My fingers slid from Damien’s as I
stopped on the bottom step, letting him continue solo. He understood. I needed
a minute.
    Damien reached a hand out to
Hendrick who responded by wrapping his massive hand around Damien’s. They
appeared to shake hard enough that I wondered if either of them had any
fractures. Phoenix stood as Damien neared him. They, too, shook hands as
Phoenix laid a hand onto Damien’s shoulder. “Welcome back, Damien. I see you
made it home in one piece.” His lips twisted into a half grin. “This time.”
    “Phoenix,” he greeted with no more
elaboration, but a smirk exchanged. Both men turned to look at me simultaneously.
Probably not a good sign.
    “Or maybe just two pieces,” Phoenix
clearly spoke to Damien alone, though neither looked away from me.
    Step three in the How To Be a
Vampire handbook. Meeting the family.
    It was hard not to wonder just how
much his family already knew. More than me, for certain. What could Damien
hear from the others that I could not?
    Curled into one another Jazabell
and Lara sat together on the love seat. Jezabell pulled from Lara, holding her
hand out to me, beckoning me to join them. Slowly walking to the couch, I sat
on the edge with Phoenix positioned directly across from me. Better to see him
    “Lianna, darling, I am sure Damien
told you this is Hendrick.” Her hand waved to the monstrous man. “And Phoenix.”
Her hand followed to him adoringly. “Gentlemen, meet our newest arrival, Lianna
Loraine Von.”
    Lara reached a hand over to me,
taking mine into hers. Her skin was cool, even to me. Her hands small and
delicate even compared to my own. “Hello, Hendrick, Phoenix.”
    “It’s a pleasure at last to meet
you, Lianna,” Hendrick’s voice was just as burly as he was but very warm. The
words didn’t match him, like he was trying too hard. His voice had a texture
that I could feel ripple through the air. It was as if I could physically feel
sounds now. Everything was suddenly so much more definite. It was almost too
    “Yes, so nice to finally meet the
infamous femme fatale,” Phoenix’s voice dripped in sarcasm, though I couldn’t
fathom why.Phoenix’s eyes searched mine as if he was looking for
something, but what I couldn’t be sure of. My gaze narrowed cautiously. The
warning tingle deep in my mind was pinging like mad.
    “That’s funny, I’ve never heard of
you.” It was not to allude to whatever mysterious perception he wanted to
portray. I was being an asshole. The slightest twitch of his mouth torqued at
the side. “Anna is fine please.” My smile vanished. Suddenly I didn’t feel like
faking that this was all hunky dory, let’s meet up for tea meet

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