Natural-Born Protector / Saved by the Monarch

Read Natural-Born Protector / Saved by the Monarch for Free Online

Book: Read Natural-Born Protector / Saved by the Monarch for Free Online
Authors: Carla Cassidy
dashboard she saw his hands tighten slightly on the steering wheel. “My wife died.” The words fell flat, with no other information offered.
    It was obviously a topic he didn’t want to discuss. “I’m sorry,” she said.
    They were silent for several minutes. So, he wasn’t a stranger to grief, she thought. She realized that’s what he’d meant earlier when he’d told her that his daughter had suffered enough loss in her life.
    Her heart ached for Maddie, who had lost a mother so early in life. Melody knew what it was like to lose a parent. She’d lost her father when she’d been ten, and while Fred had stepped in as a father figure and support, it would never be the same as having her own dad in her life.
    A new tension filled her as Hank turned off the main road and onto a gravel road that led to the Edge. Was she foolish to think that she could get information that Zack West couldn’t? Perhaps. All she knew was that she needed to try.
    “Looks like a full house,” he said as the place came into view. A sprawling one-story building, it was weathered to a dark gray with neon signs in the windows that advertised a variety of beer.
    Motorcycles were parked in a row by the front door and the parking lot was filled with pickups and cars. A group of men stood just outside the front door, their cowboy hats pulled low in tough-guy fashion.
    Hank found an empty parking space and pulled in, then together they got out of the car. As they approached the door, Hank threw an arm across her shoulder in a proprietary fashion. She welcomed it, was glad that he was with her as the men eyed her up and down with drink-induced boldness.
    Hank met their stares with a hint of challenge ashe and Melody passed them to go inside. Anxiety twisted in her stomach as they entered the dim, noisy, smoky tavern.
    Hank pointed to two empty stools at the bar and Melody quickly beelined for them. “Two beers,” Hank said to the bartender, a young man with tattooed arms and a pierced ear.
    “Bottle or tap?”
    “Bottle,” Melody said. She wasn’t sure she wanted to drink from any glass the place had to offer.
    The bartender set the beer in front of them and Hank tossed a bill on the counter. “Is Harry in?” She had to yell to be heard above the sound of the band that was playing on a platform stage at the other end of the place.
    The bartender glanced at his wristwatch and then shook his head. “He usually shows up around ten or so.”
    “Can you let me know when he gets here?” she asked.
    He nodded and moved down the bar to serve another customer. “Who’s Harry?” Hank asked. He leaned so close to her she felt his warm breath on the side of her neck. It danced a shiver of pleasure up her spine.
    “Harry Pryor, the owner,” she replied. She picked up her beer, then swiveled her stool around to face the crowd. The dance floor was packed with two-stepping cowboys and women dressed to attract Mr. Right, or at least Mr. Right at the Moment.
    So many people, she thought. How was she ever going to find the ones who might have been close to Lainie? How could she even begin to try to figure out who might have answers that could lead to a killer?
    She looked at Hank, who scanned the crowd withnarrowed, calculating eyes. “See anyone you know?” she asked.
    He shook his head. “I was hoping to see either Dean or James here, but I don’t see either of them.”
    “It’s early,” Melody replied. She turned back around and motioned to the bartender. When he approached them she offered him her brightest smile. “I was just wondering if you were friends with Lainie Thompson.”
    He grabbed a wet sponge and swiped down the countertop. “Who’s asking?”
    “I’m Melody Thompson, Lainie’s sister.”
    Immediately his expression changed as a smile exposed a chipped front tooth. “Everyone was Lainie’s friend. She used to talk about you a lot.” The smile fell. “I can’t believe what happened to her.”

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