husband. There was no way he could complain about her taking too long to respond now.

hen the limo pulled into their tree-lined block located in the famous Hamilton Heights section of Harlem, the sound of John Coltrane’s “My Favorite Things,” was blasting in the street. She knew Harrison was the culprit before she stepped out the car. Nicola smiled. Though the man was a virtual saint, he did have one bad habit…he played music way too loud. He was like a teenager. She opened the front door with her key. The driver carried her matching Gucci luggage, and set all four pieces down in the foyer. She tipped him generously and he left.
    The house was pitch dark, except for a flickering light peeking out from the den.
, thought Nicola,
my baby’s chilling by the fireplace listening to his music
. Feeling lucky, she hoped he was relaxed and ready for action. She sneaked over to the liquor cabinet, poured brandy into two large glasses, and quietly entered the den to greet her man.
    What she saw, she would not have been prepared to see in a million years. In front of the fireplace, facing away from the door, Nicola discovered Harrison ramming his penis into someone’s ass. She watched the scene for what seemed like an eternity. The couple was not aware that she was there. She was in shock.As Harrison’s pumping action intensified, he yelled as he had never yelled with her. “I’m coming, baby! I’m coming!”
    She watched as her husband thoroughly enjoyed what appeared to be an extremely intense orgasm. He had never responded with as much passion with her as she now witnessed. She was hurt and jealous. When his pleasure subsided, he spun his partner around and they engaged in a deep kiss. The light from the fire increased fully for a second, just long enough for Nicola to see and realize for the first time that Harrison’s lover was a man.
    And it wasn’t just any man. It was Sebastian La Roux. She remembered him from her days at Riker’s Island. He was a notorious prisoner that had stricken fear in all the staff whenever he came to the clinic for a visit. Which, unfortunately for them, was far too often. In shock, all she could think was,
How could he betray me, and with such a low-life! HOW COULD HE!
    The flames from the fireplace seemed to jump out at Nicola. She immediately transferred back into time. Back to when she was a little girl, watching the house she lived in burn down. They were both the same flames. They both destroyed something equally powerful in her life: the evil she unfortunately grew up in as a child and the love she had for a man she worshipped almost as much as she worshipped God.
    The flames pulled all the horrible memories of her tragic life into the forefront. She screamed as thoughts of her earlier abuse mingled with the pain and disappointment she now experienced because of Harrison’s betrayal.
    Harrison yelled at his lover, “Sebastian, leave! I’ll deal with you later!”
    “But why I gotta go? Send her away!”
    Harrison looked up at the towering giant, and decided to dealwith him less aggressively. “Please, just go down to the Rusty Nail. I’ll be there later.”
    Sebastian looked at Nicola with disgust. She was oblivious to both of them.
    “That bitch ain’t even here; she so in shock. But…I’ll leave…uh-ruh…” He held his hand out, waiting for a donation. “Forget something?”
    Harrison looked for his wallet, snatched out several hundred-dollar bills, and threw them at him. Sebastian made a face at Nicola and left.
    Harrison tended to his wife. She was hysterical. He never knew about the abuses in her life. Nicola was now rambling off details of what happened to her as if she were a reporter giving a biographical rundown of a victim. She spoke of her childhood in the third person, never admitting that it had actually happened to her.
    Nicola finally stopped the endless chatting about her childhood. She sobbed uncontrollably throughout the night.

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